Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - September 22, 2022


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

September 22, 2022; Issue 2



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Dear Lakeside Families, 

This upcoming week, we will be having our first Emergency Preparedness drill for an unsafe person in or near our building. This drill is called an "ALICE" drill. All classrooms will be reviewing the principles of ALICE this upcoming week. Our drill will be on Thursday. Please read this letter to learn more about ALICE. If you have any questions, or worries, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher, or our school counselor, Mrs. Lubinski. Our top priority is to ensure your child feels safe at school and knows our building procedures for emergencies. 

We are looking forward to our upcoming Family Night on Thursday, October 6th at 5pm! Please see the information below for more details. 

It is a pleasure serving your children and your family here at Lakeside! Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Ashton, Principal


Specialist Updates

Fall Family Night, October 6th from 5:00-6:30pm!

Come join us for Lakeside’s Fall Family Night on Thursday, October 6th from 5-6:30pm!
Our goal for the night is to connect as a school family. This year’s family night will give you an opportunity to learn about your child’s classroom and give you a glimpse into a day in school.  There will be two, twenty-minute classroom sessions for each grade, 5-5:20 and 6-6:20.  Please plan to attend one of these sessions.  
You will have an opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair.  You can also purchase food from the new OASD Brewing Futures Mobile CAFE truck!  PTO will be sponsoring a free cookie from the food truck for each child. The full menu of available items can be found HERE
We will have a bingo board that your family can complete.  Your family will go on a scavenger hunt around the building, visiting different areas. After you have completed your bingo board, you can sign your family’s name on the back of the bingo board and drop it into the box in the gym.  We will be drawing one family’s card for a chance to win a prize basket. You do not need to be present to win.  The winner will be announced in our Black Wolf Bulletin on Friday!

There will be other fun happening and information shared throughout the evening, as well. We look forward to seeing your family there!

Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon!

The Lakeside PTO is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair that will be held in the Media Center October 3rd - 7th. The sale will run during student lunch hours (10:50am - 12:05pm) daily, and also from 5 - 6:30pm on October 6th, which is our Fall Family Night. 

This year, say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet - your child's digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child's eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy!

If you can't make it to the Fair, then shop at our school's Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school. 

Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping!


Volunteering RemindersWhat Volunteer Opportunities are Available? - Ask a Librarian Delaware

As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering by helping in your child's classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. These applications are to be filled out each school year, but then are good for the remainder of the year, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE.

Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 48 hours, so please plan accordingly! 





Staff Introductions - Welcome to Lakeside

Over the next several newsletters, we'll introduce you to some new (or newer) staff here at Lakeside. Check out their introductions below!

Welcome! - News

Staff Introductions - Welcome to Lakeside!

Staff Member: Kristin Mike

Role at Lakeside: Health Assistant / LPN

Teaching/Work Experience or Background: I have been in the healthcare field since I was 19 years old. I have my CNA license, Medical assistant license and received my LPN license in April 2021. I started working in Family Practice for 13 years and then transitioned to Pediatrics for the last 8 years. I enjoy working with all the elementary age students as Pediatrics is my specialty. I am enjoying working with all the children at Lakeside so far this school year and parents too. This is my first year as a school nurse. I have worked at health care organizations in the past Aurora and Thedacare in particular. Looking forward to a great school year and meeting all the students and families as well.

Family/Hobbies/Highlights to Share:  I am married to my husband for the past 14.5 years. We live here in Oshkosh.  We have 9 year old boy/ girl twins who keep us very busy. We have a puppy (cockapoo) who is 7 months old named Mae and 2 female hamsters Oxy and Coco. I enjoy reading a good book and spending time with my family and doing fun things together.





Staff Member: Cassi Robl

Role at Lakeside: 1st Grade Teacher
Teaching/Work Experience or Background: This is my first year teaching! I am so excited to be a part of the Lakeside school family :). I graduated in December of 2021 from UW-La Crosse with degrees in Elementary Education and Spanish Education. I did my student teaching in Sparta, WI (1st grade) and in Holmen, WI (6-8th grade Spanish). After graduation, I was a building sub from December-June in Sparta, WI at the school where I student taught. I also had the opportunity to teach Yoga, Art, & Mindfulness during summer school in Oshkosh this summer and I loved it!
Family/Hobbies: I am from Oshkosh and am the second oldest of 5 children in my family. My oldest sister lives in Montana, my younger twin sisters are in Madison, WI, and my little brother is a 4th grader at Carl Traeger Elementary this year! I love to travel, drink coffee, go hiking, fishing, camping, boating, and spend time with friends and family (especially our golden retriever Waylon, and mini goldendoodle Piper). 

OASD Cybersecurity Update Impacting K-8 Students

The Oshkosh Area School District's commitment to student safety and student data privacy and security is on-going. With this understanding, please see below for an important email security update impacting K-8 students. 
The District has disabled outside email for students in grades K-8. 
  • This change was made on September 9, 2022 based on the District's ongoing review of best practices and amid recent cybersecurity attacks targeting school districts. 
  • Parents/guardians are no longer able to email K-8 students at their district email address and K-8 students cannot email non-OASD email addresses. 
  • Parents/guardians who need to get information to their children during the school day should contact their school office. Additionally, parents/guardians are also able to email their child's school secretary and ask that information be shared/forwarded to their child if needed.
This information was initially shared with K-8 families on September 13, see OASD Technology Update 09.13.22: K-8 Email Access. Additional information explaining this decision is available below.
The Situation: The OASD’s Technology Team was made aware of several districts in Wisconsin who were the victims of cyberattacks as school started (Elmbrook School District Article). These attacks resulted in student, family, and staff data being compromised as well as ransomware in some instances. The OASD is deeply committed to protecting student, family, and staff information and has put in several protective measures in recent years. What we realized is that our main area of risk centered on our youngest learners in grades K-8 and a data incident could easily come from those accounts. We worked with our teachers to learn what educational impact there would be from this change and realized that having outside email is not used for education purposes in those grade levels. 
What We Missed: What we missed were those instances where parents were using this email access to communicate with their children. In previous situations, and with the proliferation of students using cellphones, we observed that most communicated with their children via text.  We assumed that this would continue and in those instances where that was not possible, an email or call to the building secretary would provide that line of communication as it had in past years.
Resolution Going Forward: Cybersecurity is always a balance between protection and convenience.  We will continue to do everything in our power to protect students and our student, family, and staff data while at the same time trying to make things as easy and convenient as possible. We will continue monitoring the situation as it is unfolding in other districts to learn more about how the attacks occurred and what we can do to ensure it does not happen here. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to continually monitor and whitelist the emails of our 17,000 parents and guardians. We will, however, monitor the situation with our clerical staff to see what type of message volume they are relaying and at what grade levels. If there is any way to restore access without putting student, family, or staff information at risk, we will gladly do so. Until that time, please email or call your building secretary if you wish to have something relayed to your child.
CONTACT: If you have any questions related to this update or the District's commitment to data privacy and security, please contact Deputy Superintendent Dave Gundlach ( or 920.424.0016).


Free Meals for All Lakeside Students!

Lakeside learned just before school started that we have qualified as a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school. What does that mean? Every student at Lakeside can receive a free breakfast and a free lunch each school day, regardless of your family's free/reduced application status! 

For families who qualify, or think they may qualify, we encourage you to still complete the application! Snack milk (served in the classroom) is not part of the CEP program, so if you don't have an approved application on file, your child's snack milk will still be charged. You can apply in the Parent Portal, or contact the office for a paper copy! 

Please note that milk taken with cold lunch is charged for all students, regardless of their family's free/reduced status. 


Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Upcoming Lakeside Events

  • September 26th
    • Tri-County Dental Clinic
  • October 3rd - 7th
    • Scholastic Book Fair sponsored by the PTO
  • October 6th
    • Lakeside Fall Family Night, 5-6:30pm
  • October 14th
    • No school for students
  • October 25th
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm - 6:30pm (more dates in November!)
  • October 28th
    • No school for students or staff