Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - October 21, 2022


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

October 21, 2022; Issue 4



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Dear Lakeside Families, 

Conferences are coming up next week! All families should sign up for conferences. This is a great opportunity to learn about how your children are progressing so far this school year. Instructions can be found HERE, or go directly to the sign-up link at

Next week is our annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest! We can't wait to see what your family will design! Please bring pumpkins to school between Monday and Wednesday next week. Voting will take place on Thursday and we will announce the top three winners on Halloween! 

Finally, I would like to share an important music update. Ms. Olsen, our music teacher, was out on medical leave the last six weeks of school last year and so far this school year. Ms. Olsen recently learned that she will not be able to return to work until the month of April, or after. Please keep her in your thoughts; we are missing her at Lakeside and wishing her well. We had a guest teacher filling in for the first six weeks of the year and are now seeking another long term substitute. I will continue to update you as we know more. For now, we will not be having a holiday concert this December and there will not be grades listed in Infinite Campus for music at this time. Thank you for understanding! 

Our school will celebrate Halloween on Monday, October 31. We will have a parade outdoors at 2pm, followed by classroom parties. Here are our school's expectations for Halloween dress up, parties, and guests:

  • No costume face masks are allowed. They can frighten younger children. In addition, we want to see your child(ren)'s smiling faces! 

  • Students will only be given 5 minutes to get “dressed” in costumes and will not be excused to the bathroom. Please plan for easy items to add to their regular outfits. 

  • Make up should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to the classroom.

  • Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.

  • Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed at school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.

  • For classroom parties, please remember that all fruit, vegetable, and cheese trays must be purchased already assembled from a grocery store. All dry items such as cookies, cupcakes, and crackers must be store purchased. 

  • Visitors will be welcome to join the parade and/or classroom parties. All visitors will need to sign in using the Raptor system in the front office.

Please reach out if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Ashton, Principal


Specialist Updates


Thank you to OshPop and the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation!

The Lakeside community would like to extend a BIG "thank you" to some community partners for their support of our students and families! 

We extend our thanks to OshPop Gourmet Popcorn for their donation of a raffle basket for our Family Night event on October 6th. 

We also wish to thank the Mildred M. and Edward W. Baar Youth and Education Fund and the Vette Girls Fund of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation for providing books for students at the Scholastic Book Fair earlier this month.

Thank you, we appreciate your support!



Parent/Teacher Conferences

NEW! Registration deadlines have been extended, so visit to select a conference time for your child!

Lakeside will hold parent/teacher conferences for all families on three evenings this fall:

  • Tuesday, October 25th from 3:15 - 6:30pm;
  • Wednesday, November 2nd from 3 - 4pm; and
  • Thursday, November 3rd from 3:15 - 6:30pm

Once again, we will be using to manage our conference sign-ups. Click HERE for the web address and instructions. If you have questions on the process or need help, please let your child's teacher know, or contact the office!  


Picture Re-Take Day - October 26thLakeside's picture re-take day is Wednesday, October 26th. Please click HERE for all the information you need, including what to do if you already purchased a photo package and would like a new one, and for the online ordering link. Need a paper form? Please contact the office and we'll send one home with your child!


Lakeside’s Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest!

​Bring on your creativity, Lakeside families! We will hosting a family pumpkin decorating contest again this year. Please bring your decorated pumpkins to school for display and to be entered into the contest. We ask that pumpkins be dropped off between Monday, October 24th and Wednesday, October 26th. On Thursday, October 27th, students will vote for their favorites. Winners will be announced on Monday, October 31st!
After voting, pumpkins will be moved outside so that families can pick them up, anytime from the afternoon of Thursday the 27th through Monday the 31st. Any pumpkins not picked up by the 31st will be disposed of. 
Check out some of our entries from past years for some inspiration! We have really creative families here at Lakeside and we can't wait to see your designs!




Lakeside's Herd Night - Save the Date!


Event RemindersAre you coming to school for an event during the school day? If you know you will be attending an event at school and you've already been scanned using our "Raptor" security system (this year or any prior year), call the office or send me an email ahead of time. I'll have your visitor badge printed and ready to go, and you can skip the line! 

Not "Raptored" yet? Please remember to bring your photo ID the first time you come to school for an event during the day. After that first time, we can look you up by name. 

Thank you for helping us keep our school and your children safe!

Volunteering RemindersWhat Volunteer Opportunities are Available? - Ask a Librarian Delaware

As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering by helping in your child's classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. These applications are to be filled out each school year, but then are good for the remainder of the year, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE.

Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 48 hours, so please plan accordingly! 


Food Service Is Hiring!Looking for some extra cash? The OASD Food Service Department is hiring for both full-time and part-time positions. Click HERE for more details!




Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Upcoming Lakeside Events

  • October 24th through 26th - Drop off decorated pumpkins for contest
  • October 25th - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm - 6:30pm (instructions
  • October 26th - Picture Re-Take Day, 8:30am - 9:30am (order link)
  • October 27th - Lakeside Pumpkin Contest Voting
  • October 28th - No school for students or staff
  • October 31st - Fall Fest Parade and Classroom Parties, 2:00pm
  • November 1st - End of First Quarter
  • November 2nd 
    • Kindergarten field trip to The Grand Oshkosh
    • Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3pm - 4pm (instructions)
  • November 3rd - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm - 6:30pm (instructions)
  • November 4th - Lakeside Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser (online giving link