Newsletter - November 4, 2022
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
November 4, 2022; Issue 5
Dear Lakeside Families,
We have been so grateful to have warm weather the last couple weeks! It looks like fall is about to set in for good next week. Please remember to have your child(ren) dressed for the weather (pants, jackets, hats, and gloves). Due to rainy weather, we are moving our Walk A Thon event to next week Thursday, November 10 at 2pm. We hope that families will still come out (even if it's colder!) to support students walking!
Transportation update:
Some of our morning buses are arriving earlier than 7:30 am to ensure that the next routes for the middle and high school students are dropped off for school on time. Due to the amount of time some students will be at school prior to the start of the school day, we will be bringing students inside the building from 7:15 until 7:30 am for activities in the gym, then releasing to recess for the remainder of the time. If you drop off your child to school in the morning, we still recommend that you drop off between 7:30 and 7:40 am. A supervisor will be outside at that time to allow children on the playground. Any student dropped off before 7:30 am will be sent into the building.
Technology update:
Students are not allowed to use any personal technology devices during the school day. All personal technology should be in backpacks and silenced. Watches are not allowed, unless they are only for counting steps, or for another health related reason that is documented.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Walk-a-Thon RESCHEDULED - November 10th
Due to the rain today, the Lakeside Walk-a-Thon event has been rescheduled to next Thursday, November 10th at 2pm. We appreciate your flexibility with this last-minute change.
Haven't had a chance to donate yet? It's not too late! You can make donations online at, or by cash or check in the Lakeside Office. To see where donations are being used, check out the flyer HERE.
We are still looking for a few more volunteers, as well! Check out the available spots at
Food Drive - Coming Soon!
Lakeside's student council will be sponsoring a food drive to benefit the Oshkosh Salvation Army later this month. Please bring your non-perishable food donations to Lakeside between November 28th and December 2nd to benefit local families in need!
Michael-Levi Miles
Trinity Fletcher
Archer Kenyon
Aylinn Espinoza
Paisley Oesterreich
Felix Samida
Athena Gibson
Ian Homman
Alexya Espinoza
Cash Wiedenhaft
Erin Grunwald
Logan Marhefke
X'Zalayah Carter
Kinsley Cartwright
Cedric Burri
Phynix Goss
Chloe Eisele
Maverick Marhefke
Event RemindersAre you coming to school for an event during the school day? If you know you will be attending an event at school and you've already been scanned using our "Raptor" security system (this year or any prior year), call the office or send me an email ahead of time. I'll have your visitor badge printed and ready to go, and you can skip the line!
Not "Raptored" yet? Please remember to bring your photo ID the first time you come to school for an event during the day. After that first time, we can look you up by name.
Thank you for helping us keep our school and your children safe!
Volunteering Reminders
As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering by helping in your child's classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. These applications are to be filled out each school year, but then are good for the remainder of the year, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE.
Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 48 hours, so please plan accordingly!
Lakeside's Herd Night - Save the Date!
Community Events
Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!
Upcoming Lakeside Events
- November 8th - 4th Grade field trip to Oshkosh West for Full STEAM Ahead
- November 10th - Lakeside Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser (online giving link), 2pm
- November 11th - No school for students; professional development for staff
- November 16th - Ms. Fritz's class to Oshkosh Public Museum for field trip
- November 17th - Ms. Pelot's class to Oshkosh Public Museum for field trip
- November 23rd - 25th - No school for students or staff for Thanksgiving break
- November 28th - December 2nd - Student council food drive