Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - May 3rd, 2024


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

May 3rd, 2024; Issue 17



Final LS Logo.jpg

Dear Lakeside Families, 

I am back from a leave of absence for a surgery and so very glad to be back! It was a joy to see the students on stage for the spring concert earlier this week. There were so many talented singers, soloists, speakers, and musicians. A huge shout out goes to Ms. Dorr for preparing students for their spring concert!

In May, teachers will be collecting data about all facets of your child's school day, both academic and social/emotional data. This information will be shared out with families at the end of the year. I am happy to share that our current school-wide behavior data shows that we had no major office discipline referrals in the months of March or April.

We will be celebrating our staff next week for Staff Appreciation. Lakeside has an amazing and dedicated staff that prioritize strong and caring relationships and learning and growth for every child. Please join me and our PTO in celebrating our amazing staff next week! 

Our calendar of events for this month is listed below. Fifth grade graduation will be on Friday, May 31st. If you have any questions about end of the year events, please reach out to our school office. 

Enjoy the weekend ahead!

Mrs. Ashton, Principal


Data Visualization with FRIENDS. Exploring the Friends TV Show through… |  by Erika Ronquillo | Analytics Vidhya | Medium

Staff Appreciation Week - May 6th - 10th!You've probably noticed - Lakeside Elementary has an AWESOME staff! Let's celebrate them! The Lakeside PTO is planning some really special treats for Lakeside Staff the week of May 6th - 10th, with a "The one where we appreciate you!" FRIENDS (tv show) theme, but we can't do it without YOU!

Click HERE for the Sign-Up Genius that has the schedule of events and a list of ways to help. Thank you for helping our amazing staff feel the love!



  • Vincent Mazza
  • Kaylee Skaug
  • Evann Shambles
  • Carter Gerth
  • Dallas Black
  • Trevor Fletcher
  • Trenton Fletcher
  • Brooke Reichenberger
  • Jaxon Lien
  • McKenna Cook
  • Lyla Wheeler Smith
  • Bristol Straveler
  • Rowen Poutre-Jetty
  • Brantley Sprouse
  • Orinn Bennett
  • Elijah Hazelett
  • Vivian Dorn


Upcoming Lakeside Events

  • April 30th - May 3rd - 4th grade Human Growth & Development lessons
  • May 6th - 10th - Staff Appreciation Week
  • May 6th - 9th - 5th grade Human Growth & Development lessons
  • May 8th - Bike Safety & Walk AT School Day
  • May 10th - No school for students; professional development for staff
  • May 16th - 5th grade to visit South Park
  • May 17th - 5th grade Market Day
  • May 23rd -
    • KG field trip to the Building for Kids
    • 4th grade Sailing field trip
    • 1st grade field trip to the NEW Zoo
  • May 24th - May community interest hour
  • May 27th- No school - Memorial Day
  • May 28th- 3rd grade field trip to Gordon Bubolz Nature Preserve 
  • May 29th -
    • 5th grade field trip to the Timber Rattlers
    • Kindergarten Promotion, 1:15 - 2:30pm
  • May 30th - 2nd grade field trip to the Milwaukee Public Museum
  • May 31st
    • Last day of school
    • 5th grade Promotion, 9 - 10am
    • Field Day, 12:30 - 2:30pm


May Community Interest Hour

Lakeside Elementary School is looking for outside organizations to volunteer to come to Lakeside on Friday, May 24th from approximately 1-2:30 PM and offer an activity for students to experience. Students would have the opportunity to rotate through 3 of the activities, each lasting 25 minutes.

We are hoping to inspire our students to try new things and be aware of different community organizations. 

Each of the areas have a smartboard in the room where the presenter can show visuals on the board if needed. Also, a staff member will be in the room to support. We would like to offer the students as many hands-on experiences as possible, so any information presented should be brief so they can have enough time to complete the activity. 

Some previous examples were, cookie decorating, yoga, RC racing, Mtoxins. So if you have a hands on activity you are willing to lead, please fill out the information below. Someone will reach out to you in the upcoming weeks.  

If you are interested please fill out this google form HERE.


Girl Empowerment | Girls on the Run | Nonprofit

Girls On The Run

Girls on the Run will be coming back to Lakeside this fall!  Girls on the Run is a program for girls in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.  The goal is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running.  More information about Girls on the Run and how to sign-up will be coming in August.  If you are interested in helping with this program as a coach or a running buddy, please reach out to Jen Lubinksi ( or Rachel Tigert ( for more information.

Perc Pollution ...

Pollution Solution

Pollution Solution is thrilled to announce that they have collected a grand total of 1,184 pounds during their recycling challenge.   The goal was to achieve 1,000 pounds of plastic so they could earn a NexTrex bench made out of recycled plastic.  They exceeded their goal, thanks to the generous support of Lakeside families, friends and local businesses such as Fastenal, Satori Imports, AMCOR, Oshkosh Housing Authority and Image 360. The new NexTrex bench will be delivered to Lakeside over the summer.  Thank you again!

Tick Bites | Lyme Disease | MedlinePlus

Health Office UpdateIt's tick season!  

I know, it’s not something to be excited about, but we can learn about ticks to make tick season more tolerable. The beautiful playground and woods surrounding our school are the exact type of area that ticks love to live in. So, what can our students do to prevent ticks from attaching to their skin? 

Students should watch for ticks on their clothes when entering the building in the morning and after any recess. If the tick is crawling on their skin or clothes they should remove the tick immediately and notify a teacher or recess supervisor. If a student finds a tick that is already attached to their skin they should come to the health office as soon as they notify their teacher. While we are unable to remove the attached tick at school, we will call and notify parents what we have found. Parents can then come to school and remove the tick or take the child home to remove the tick. Please remember that if you do remove an attached tick at home it is best to keep the tick in a clear baggie in case you later need to identify the type of tick. 

The CDC has great information on tick removal, bite prevention and when to contact a doctor after a tick bite. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in the health office at or


Get Ready for the 2024-25 School Year!

The Oshkosh Area School District’s Annual Student Update (Enrollment/Registration) for returning K-12 students and for new 4K students will take place April 1 - September 1, 2024. Students must be enrolled by September 1. While the deadline is September 1, we encourage you to complete this process as soon as possible to secure your child's spot for the next school year.

This annual enrollment process is mandatory and reserves your student's place at their school for the upcoming academic year. You'll update demographic and contact information through the Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal.

Step-by-Step Instructions: CLICK HERE 

New This Year: Complete the process on your computer, tablet, OR smartphone via the IC app: Campus Parent.

  • Mobile Registration: To register on your smartphone, download the app from your device's app center (iPhone - App Store or Android - Google Play), or click these direct links. Be sure to select the "Campus Parent" option - look for this icon: 

Online Portal Access: CLICK HERE to log in to your Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal and click the "Online Registration" link (located on the bottom left side of the home screen).

Need Help? If you don't have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account or need to reset your password, complete THIS FORM.

Contact Information: For questions or assistance during the online enrollment process, contact your child's school office or the OASD Administration Office at 920.424.0395.

In-Person Support: If you need in-person assistance, access to a device, or internet, attend our Central Registration Day at Oshkosh North High School on August 7, 2024. More information will be provided in the coming months.

Fees: Fees and payments if applicable for the 2024-25 school year cannot be paid until mid-August, additional information will be provided at that time.

Your child's school will provide additional resources for the 2024-2025 school year, including important dates.

Thank you for choosing the Oshkosh Area School District for your student’s educational experience. We look forward to continuing to work with your family to meet your student’s individual needs and provide them with the best education possible.


We Need Your Help-Donations Needed!
If you're doing some spring cleaning and would like to donate some of your child(ren)'s clothing they have outgrown, we would be happy to take them off your hands. We are in the most need of larger sized pants and shirts, but we won't turn anything down.   This time of year our playground gets extra wet and muddy at time, and spills can happen any time of year. Every day we have students coming to the health office in need of a change of clothes, and we could use your help! How? 

  • Do you have extra pants or shirts that your children have outgrown and can donate to the office? Please send them in! We could use shirts and pants in sizes 5 through 14/16!
  • Send your child (even the big ones!) to school with an extra change of clothes, if you are able. They can live in their backpack, or stay in their locker until needed. We're always the most comfortable in our own clothes, so this is a great option!
  • If your child does need to borrow clothes from the office for a day, please wash and return the items as quickly as possible so that they can be available for another student in need.

If your child has a fall or spill resulting in wet clothes at school and we don't have something they can fit in, we may need to call you to bring some to school to get them through the end of the day. Thanks for your help - we appreciate it!


Attendance Office Information

If you need to call your student(s) in for the day, please call the main office at 920-424-0131. If you need to leave a voicemail, please state your student(s) full name, grade, reason for absence and also any symptoms your student may be experiencing. You can also email the school secretary at: for any absences. If you need to pick up your student early for an any reason, please notify the main office ahead of time, so we can make sure to have your student ready for you. As always, please feel free to reach out to the main office with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your help.

Volunteering RemindersWhat Volunteer Opportunities are Available? - Ask a Librarian Delaware

Field trip season is coming up fast and  if you are interested in chaperoning a field trip or volunteering by helping in your child's classroom, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. These applications are to be filled out each school year, but then are good for the remainder of the year, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE. If you haven't submitted one yet, please do so soon.

Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 3-4 business days, so please plan accordingly! 



Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Follow the Lakeside PTO

Click HERE to find our amazing PTO on Facebook! Please 'like' and 'follow' Lakeside's PTO on Facebook. They have the most up-to-date information on all of our wonderful events!  Please join us for our next PTO meeting on May, 13th at 3pm in library.