Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - May 26, 2023


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

May 26, 2023; Issue 19



Final LS Logo.jpg

Dear Lakeside Families, 

Today we celebrated our students doing an amazing job following The Lakeside Way this year, being respectful, responsible, and safe here at school. Our office discipline referral data for the year has been significantly less than the past years (we had 83 major office referrals last year; this year we have had 53 office referrals). We are proud of students learning more about composure this year and problem solving. We continue to promote classroom families and a school family by using Conscious Discipline, an adult-first model for supporting students socially and emotionally. We will continue our work with Conscious Discipline next school year. All classrooms also teach universal social/emotional learning lessons using the Harmony curriculum. We look forward to continuing this work in the future too! Our celebration activities today included frosting and decorating a special cookie (donated by Festival foods) and also hearing a presentation and seeing amazing animals from MToxins! Check out Facebook for pictures from today!

We would like to thank and recognize all of our volunteers for their support this year. Our PTO has done an amazing job supporting teachers and students. Mrs. Nancy Benkoske, has been a regular volunteer here at Lakeside all year and also worked to raise money and plant our new garden beds! We are so thankful for her support this year! Other volunteers have supported our students by reading in classrooms, helping in the library/guided reading library, supervising at recess, and helping with other school events! Thanks to our volunteers who continue making Lakeside an amazing place to be!

Next week is our last week of school! We begin our week Tuesday with a Kindergarten promotion and outdoor play and end our week Friday with 5th grade promotion and DARE graduation and Field Day events for all students. Thank you for sharing your children with us this year! 

Mrs. Ashton, Principal


SAS Growth Mindset: Stuck? SEE, THINK, and DO things differently!: Happy Summer  Birthdays!!

June Birthdays

  • Knox Wiedenhaft
  • Adela Ruiz
  • Griffin Brefczynski
  • Grace Brefczynski
  • Ethan Strangeway
  • Ashton Kallenbach
  • Ariyah Freeman
  • Lilly Lloyd
  • Amayah Kellar
  • Cayden Allison-Mundt
  • Zendayah Kellar
  • Lena Witt
  • Jaxson Killian
  • Henry Lor
  • Easton Borgardt
  • Rozalia Chipman
  • Eleni Gorgolis
  • Kaidyn Wittchow
  • Ephraim Maves
  • Allison Shea
  • Olivia Bloedow
  • Samuel Tritt
  • Atlas Faucher
  • Pyper Schubert
  • Paislee Rubio

July Birthdays

  • Blake Doemel
  • Bryson Leitzke
  • Cora Schlies
  • Wesley Schmid
  • Louna Matulle
  • Sedona Stieg
  • Harper Cornell
  • Keylaya Rasmussen
  • Madelyn Albrecht
  • Henley Schultz
  • Corabelle Brice
  • Emrik Davies
  • Kevin Hoffman
  • Thalia Stromske
  • Addilyn Fenner
  • Cayden Whitaker
  • Kase Lloyd
  • Castiel Nunez

August Birthdays

  • Rylee Elliott Geurden
  • Addison Farber
  • Rosalie Cruz
  • Jacob Mathias
  • Hazel Bloedow
  • Hazel Bowman
  • Malachi Parks
  • Annaleigh Buhrow
  • Colton Taylor-Bartow
  • Madison Lee
  • Nubia Mares Torres
  • Brody Doemel
  • Tenley Farber
  • Damien Bandelow
  • Cody Trebiatowski
  • Henry Koeppl
  • Kaleb Parks
  • Corben Tesch
  • Adeline Wagner
  • Jack Thomas
  • Logan Thomas
  • Sebastian Hartwig


Upcoming Lakeside Events

  • May 29th - No school - Memorial Day
  • May 30th - Kindergarten Promotion, 1:15 - 2:30pm
  • May 31st
    • 2nd grade field trip to the Milwaukee Public Museum
    • 5th grade field trip to the Timber Rattlers
  • June 2nd
    • Last day of school
    • 5th grade Promotion, 9 - 10am
    • Field Day, 12:30 - 2:30pm


Sign Up Main ImageField Day at Lakeside!

Our annual field day event will be held in the afternoon on the last day of school, Friday, June 2nd. Students travel with their classroom from station to station doing various fun activities that are planned and provided by our wonderful PTO. If you're able to help with donations and/or volunteering, please check out the PTO's SignUpGenius.

The event begins at 12:30pm and will run until approximately 2:30pm. Please be sure to send a water bottle with your child, and consider applying sunscreen before school. Weather permitting, they will be outdoors for the entire afternoon. 

Parents are welcome to come join in the fun! Stop by the office to check in and get a visitor's badge (don't forget your photo ID if you haven't yet been "Raptored"). 


Yearbooks Available

Extra Yearbooks For Sale

Yearbooks have been delivered to school! Teachers have received the copies for students who pre-ordered yearbooks; if you haven't seen your child's yet, know that many teachers hold them for the last week of school for signing. If your family forgot to order a yearbook but you still want one, you're in luck! We have a few available in the office for purchase on a first come, first served basis. They are $14.00 each, and please note that we are unable to make change. Make checks payable to Lakeside Elementary, or send exact change with your child. 



End of the Year Update from the Health Office

If your child has a current health plan or emergency plan on file with school, you will receive a copy during the summer to update for the upcoming school year.
If your child has a change in their health or has a healthcare need at school, please contact our school district nurse, Mikaila Peterson, via email during the summer and she will contact you at the beginning of the school year to discuss. Email:
If your child will need to take medication at school, please work with your doctor to have the following form completed and signed before the start of the school year.  As a reminder, the directions on the medication bottle must match the written order on the medication request form.
If you have a child with a severe allergy and/or asthma, or seizures the following forms will need to be completed for our school nurse. Inhalers, Epi-Pens, Allergy medications, etc., must be in their original containers.  Expiration dates will be monitored.
Continue to stay healthy and enjoy your summer! 
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Next Year's Events!

Please mark your calendars for these important dates for next school year! A calendar with these dates is available HERE, and will be mailed home with report cards in a couple of weeks!

  • August 30th - Open House, 4:30 - 6:30pm (watch for sign-up info in August!)
  • October 5th - Fall Family Night (tentative), 5-7pm
  • October 24th and November 2nd - Parent/teacher conferences for all families (watch for sign-up info in October!)
  • December 11th - Holiday Concert (tentative), 6-7pm
  • January 25th - Parent/teacher conferences (as requested)
  • April 23rd - Spring Family Night (tentative), 5-7pm


Thank You Banner Images – Browse 82,081 Stock Photos ...

Book Fairy Donation from the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation

Lakeside Elementary recently received a generous donation of $500 from the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation's Vette Girls Fund. This grant will fund a summer "book fairy" project. We are so grateful for the support of our community!


Food Service Updates

FREE AND REDUCED MEAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR will be available online on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal in mid-July and will also be mailed out in the US mail to all households in mid-July. Please return your completed application to the Food Services Office, Oshkosh West High School, 375 N. Eagle St., Oshkosh, WI 54902, or to the elementary school office your child attends on or before the first day of school.
HAVE LUNCH WITH YOUR CHILD: All elementary schools and the Food Services Department invite parents of school-age children to have lunch with their child on any school day. Please let the school office know in advance so we can make sure a lunch gets ordered for you. The adult lunch will be charged to your student's Food Service Account.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE DEPARTMENT: The Food Services Department is seeking individuals to work for our department serving breakfast and/or lunch. The majority of available positions are 1.5 - 2 hours in length and are during the breakfast and lunch service time, which varies with the school. Opportunities for longer shifts and additional hours may also be available. Review open positions and apply on the WECAN website!
Please call (920) 424-4936 for any questions. Thank you!


2023-2024 OASD Centralized Registration Information 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

7:30 am - 7:30 pm

Oshkosh North High School


2023-2023 School Site Offices Open - Wednesday, August 9, 2023





ORD Youth Track Meet

Friday, June 16 beginning at 9:00am
Oshkosh North High School Track
Ages 7-12
Registration is due on or before Friday, June 2
More information, along with the registration form, can be found:
Please note: We cannot accept applications at Lakeside; they MUST be turned in to the Oshkosh Recreation Department office at 425 Division St
First page of the PDF file: keeptrackofyourprogress


Event RemindersAre you coming to school for an event during the school day? If you know you will be attending an event at school and you've already been scanned using our "Raptor" security system (this year or any prior year), call the office or send me an email ahead of time. I'll have your visitor badge printed and ready to go, and you can skip the line! 

Not "Raptored" yet? Please remember to bring your photo ID the first time you come to school for an event during the day. After that first time, we can look you up by name. 

Thank you for helping us keep our school and your children safe!

Volunteering RemindersWhat Volunteer Opportunities are Available? - Ask a Librarian Delaware

As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering by helping in your child's classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. These applications are to be filled out each school year, but then are good for the remainder of the year, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE.

Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 48 hours, so please plan accordingly! 



Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Follow the Lakeside PTO

Click HERE to find our amazing PTO on Facebook!