Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - February 16, 2024


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

February 16, 2024; Issue 12



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Dear Lakeside Families, 

I hope your family has had a great week! We have hired a new head custodian at Lakeside. Mr. Kyle Johnston is our new head custodian. Mr. Kyle was our second shift custodian for the past year and a half, so he's a familiar face for our students. Please look for more information about Mr. Kyle further down in our newsletter!

Mid-year data is in and we are seeing great successes! Here are some recent Lakeside student data celebrations:

  • At the beginning of the school year, we had 93% students who indicated they had a trusted adult at school. We now have 99% of students with a trusted adult! The students still in need of an adult connection have been paired with an adult (of their choice) to build a deeper connection.

  • Our mid year data shows that 94% students feel safe at school. We continue working with students that need more support feeling safe. 

  • In literacy, we are seeing great growth from students. Across grades 1-5 in literacy, we have already made 98% progress toward typical growth in our mid year data! 49% of Lakeside’s 1st-5th graders are meeting grade level expectations. We look forward to seeing this continue to grow! We are seeing students that are  making 200%, 300% or more progress in half of a year.

  • At mid-year, 85% of our kindergarten students can identify at least 45 upper and lower case letters when presented in random order. 

  • Our math data from grades 1-5 shows that students have made 62% progress toward typical growth in mid year data. 

As we continue to keep our eye on data measures, we also look at student's progress anecdotally. Multiple measures help us recognize next steps for growth for each child. We look forward to all the growth we'll continue to see in learners as the spring semester continues!

Mrs. Ashton, Principal


Specialist Updates


Hotspot for Potential Snow Days-

If we were to have a virtual learning day rather than a snow day later this year, the district is trying to determine the number of WiFi hotspots to have available for elementary families. At this time we are just gathering numbers, so it is not guaranteed that your family will get one in this instance. We will reach out if this will be available.

Only fill this out if your oldest student is in elementary school. (If your oldest is in middle or high school and your family needs a WiFi hotspot, please reach out to the middle or high school.)

Please provide us with the information below. Thank you!

Hotspot Requests for Snowdays

*Please note that OASD devices are the only device that will connect to this WiFi hotspot.




2020-21 Yearbook Sales Wrapping Up – Deadline is Friday, May 21, 2021 –  Monroe Central School Corporation


Yearbook Orders!

Yearbook ordering is available online now! Click HERE to be taken to the prepay link. Yearbooks will be delivered to school sometime in the spring and distributed to the students who ordered. Online ordering is only available until March 4th, so act now!


Donations Needed - Lakeside Family Spring Dance!

REMINDER - Lakeside's annual family dance event is coming soon! We need your help! The raffle baskets are still pretty empty, so please consider sending in items or money for the baskets. Any and all donations help! Click HERE for more information. 

This year's dance will be held on Friday, March 15th from 6 - 7:30pm in the Lakeside gym and has a "Tie Dye" theme. Sign up HERE to  provide snacks or refreshments! Thank you to all who have donated and signed up already!

For those of you new to Lakeside, or just new to the dance, this is an annual dance and fundraiser put on by our PTO. Some amazing raffle baskets are put together with donations from Lakeside families, as well as the wider community. Students (and families!) can purchase tickets for an opportunity win a raffle basket at the end of the night. Each class has a "theme" for their class-sponsored basket, and families are encouraged to donate items or money for their child's class basket, or just for the baskets overall. Click HERE for a list of all the class baskets.

This has been one of the PTO's biggest fundraisers of the year, and has allowed them to generously support our students and staff with donations for classroom materials, providing field trip busing, and much, much more. Of course, it's also just a really great time! So even if you're unable to donate or purchase tickets at this time, don't miss the dance! We appreciate your support in making this fun family event a success! 


Welcome! - News

Staff Introductions - Welcome (back) to Lakeside!

Staff Member: Kyle Johnston

Role at Lakeside: Custodian

Experience: I first started my career practicing the custodial arts right here at Lakeside two years ago (you may have seen me in the evenings while I worked second shift). I'm thrilled to be taking on my new role working days with the incredible staff and students at Lakeside!

Family/Hobbies: I don't have any family local to Oshkosh, but I visit my folks in Milwaukee for holidays and whenever else we get the chance. In my free time I enjoy woodworking, and other creative outlets. I also enjoy going to concerts, and listening to my vinyl collection...Oh man, maybe Kylene was right-- am I a hipster?! Anyway, that's pretty much my life in a nutshell. 


Out of Attendance Area and Open Enrollment Application Information

"Out of Attendance Area" requests are for OASD-resident families who would like to request a school that is NOT their "home school" in the district. Applications are due by Friday, February 23, 2024

"Open Enrollment" requests are for families residing in the Oshkosh Area School District who are requesting enrollment in a different district. 

Information on the application processes for both of these groups for the 2023-2024 school year can be found HERE, along with important deadlines! 



Attendance Office InformationIf you need to call your student(s) in for the day, please call the main office at 920-424-0131. If you need to leave a voicemail, please state your student(s) full name, grade, reason for absence and also any symptoms your student may be experiencing. You can also email the school secretary at: for any absences. If you need to pick up your student early for an any reason, please notify the main office ahead of time, so we can make sure to have your student ready for you. As always, please feel free to reach out to the main office with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your help


Has your student lost a jacket, mittens, sweatshirt, etc?  Please have your student check the lost and found. We would like to get these items back to their owners. Thank you for your help!



Clothes Needed

It's that time of year when the playground gets extra wet and muddy at time, and spills can happen any time of year. Every day we have students coming to the health office in need of a change of clothes, and we could use your help! How? 

  • Do you have extra pants or shirts that your children have outgrown and can donate to the office? Please send them in! We could use shirts and pants in sizes 5 through 14/16!
  • Send your child (even the big ones!) to school with an extra change of clothes, if you are able. They can live in their backpack, or stay in their locker until needed. We're always the most comfortable in our own clothes, so this is a great option!
  • If your child does need to borrow clothes from the office for a day, please wash and return the items as quickly as possible so that they can be available for another student in need. 

If your child has a fall or spill resulting in wet clothes at school and we don't have something they can fit in, we may need to call you to bring some to school to get them through the end of the day. Thanks for your help - we appreciate it!

Volunteering RemindersWhat Volunteer Opportunities are Available? - Ask a Librarian Delaware

As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering by helping in your child's classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. These applications are to be filled out each school year, but then are good for the remainder of the year, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE.

Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 3-4 business days to process, so please plan accordingly! 


Follow Lakeside PTO

Click HERE to find our amazing PTO on Facebook! Please 'like' and 'follow' Lakeside's PTO on Facebook. They have the most up-to-date information on all of our wonderful events!  The next PTO meeting is March 11th at 3pm in library. 

Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Upcoming Lakeside Events

  • February 22nd - 5th Grade field trip to Barlow Planetarium
  • March 4th- Yearbook orders due
  • March 8th- No school for students; professional development for staff
  • March 11th- PTO meeting at 3pm in the Media Center
  • March 15th - Lakeside School Dance, 6-7:30pm
  • March 19th- 3rd Grade Family Night-Books Can Take You Places, 3-5:00pm
  • March 22nd - End of Third Quarter
  • March 25th - 29th - Spring break