Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - October 6, 2023


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

October 6, 2023; Issue 3



Final LS Logo.jpg

Dear Lakeside Families, 

We were so excited to see so many of you at Family Night last night! Follow us on Facebook to see a few pictures from the night.  Do you have feedback for us? We'd love to have you complete this short, three-question survey to let us know how we did!

We invite your participation and volunteerism here at Lakeside anytime! Please consider joining us or participating in these upcoming events:

  • Our next PTO meeting is Monday, October 9th at 3pm. Please join us in the library for this meeting. The agenda is HERE
  • Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest- coming up at the end of the month, see information below for details
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up at the end of October and early November. Make sure to sign up using the PTC Fast website! More information can be found below. 

Lastly, our first school fundraiser is going to be launched next week. This fundraiser also happens to be an amazing event for our students; the third annual Lakeside Walk A Thon! This fundraiser celebrates heart/body health and funds will go toward field trips and special events for our students. More information will be coming soon!

Mrs. Ashton, Principal


Parent/Teacher Conferences

Lakeside will hold parent/teacher conferences for all families on October, 24th and November, 2nd.  Ms. Mateyka will be available for conferences on November, 2nd and November, 7th.

  • Tuesday, October 24th from 3:15 - 6:30pm;
  • Thursday, November 2nd from 3:15-6:30pm; and
  • Thursday, November 7th from 3:15 - 6:30pm* (Ms. Mateyka's class only)

Once again, we will be using to manage our conference sign-ups. Click HERE for the web address and instructions. If you have questions on the process or need help, please let your child's teacher know, or contact the office!


Happy Birthday Images | The Best Collection


  • Anna Lipinski
  • Zephera Johnson
  • Laurel Karau
  • Connor Towns
  • Madison Blindauer
  • Greysen Coleman
  • Jase Stadtmueller
  • Sebastian Blau
  • Caymen Goss
  • Kinsley Roehrick
  • Jack Zabel
  • Malik Johnson
  • Alexander Newton
  • Aurora Noel
  • Lionel Shikoski
  • Abel Kenyon
  • Ayashe Hudson
  • Nadia Carey
  • Finnegan Nichols
  • Greysen Van De Loo
  • Jacob Miller


 Thursday, September 29, 2022 Picture Retake Day - October 25th!

Pictures from our picture day on September 20th should be arriving at school soon. If you ordered photos online or with a paper form on or before picture day, your package will come home with your student soon. If you did NOT order pictures, it's not too late! A proof sheet will come home with your student with an order link.

Don't like the photo? No problem! Lakeside's picture retake day is October 25th. If you already ordered a package and want a retake, just send the photo package back to school with your child on the 25th and your package will be re-created with the new photo. If you want a retake but haven't yet ordered, you can download the form HERE, or contact the office and we'll send one home with your student. Order forms need to be given to the photographer on the retake day in order to avoid shipping charges. 



Coming Soon…Lakeside’s Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest!

​Bring on your creativity, Lakeside families! We will hosting a family pumpkin decorating contest again this year. Please bring your decorated pumpkins to school for display and to be entered into the contest. We ask that pumpkins-NOT carved to be dropped off between Wednesday, October 25th and Thursday, October 26th. If you have a CARVED pumpkin we ask that they be dropped off on October 30th. On Tuesday, October 31st, students will vote for their favorites. Winners will be announced Tuesday afternoon!
After voting, pumpkins will be moved outside so that families can pick them up, anytime from the afternoon of Tuesday, October 31st through November 1st. Any pumpkins not picked after November 1st will be disposed of. 
Check out some of our entries from past years for some inspiration! We have really creative families here at Lakeside and we can't wait to see your designs!




Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Follow the Lakeside PTO

Click HERE to find our amazing PTO on Facebook!


Upcoming Lakeside Events

  • October 9th - PTO Meeting, 3-4pm (Agenda)
  • October 13th - No school for students
  • October 19th - Kindergarten field trip to the Little Farmer
  • October 24th - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm - 6:30pm (instructions
  • October 27th - No school for students or staff
  • October 31st - Fall Fest Parade and Classroom Parties, 2:00pm (more info coming!)
  • November 1st - End of First Quarter
  • November 1st- 2nd grade file trip to Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
  • November 2nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm - 6:30pm (instructions)
  • November 3rd- Lakeside Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser (more info coming!)
  • November 7th* - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm - 6:30pm (Ms. Mateyka's class only) (instructions)