Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - October 15, 2021


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

October 15, 2021; Issue 4



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To email the COVID-19 Response team please click the button below. 

COVID-19 Response Team @ Lakeside Elementary 

Important Updates: Before School Recess, Fall Fest, and Playground Project

Before School Recess

Dear Lakeside Families,

We are happy that COVID cases continue to be on the decline in our school and community. We are planning to make a change in the morning to outdoor recess before school begins. When buses unload at 7:20 am, students will be able to play outdoors until 7:40 am, when our first bell rings. If you drop your child off at school in the morning, your child will walk down the sidewalk toward the playground in the back of the building. Students will put their backpacks down by their class line and then play. At 7:40 am, students will enter the building and go to their classrooms for breakfast. The start of the school day begins at 7:45 am.

If the weather is rainy, or the temperatures are cold (below 10 degrees or a wind chill below zero), students will enter the building (as they have been doing already this year) and have indoor recess in the classroom. 

We are looking for parent volunteers to assist with supervision on the playground in the morning daily from 7:20-7:40 am. Please call the office if you are able to help out, even if it is just a few days during the week!

Halloween/Fall Fest Update 

Halloween is coming up. We will have classroom parties and a small parade outdoors at 2:00pm if the weather is nice. (If not, we will not parade at all.) Here are the guidelines for Fall Fest at Lakeside:

  • The only face mask allowed this year will be your child’s face mask worn daily for health and safety of all children and adults at our school.
  • Students will only be given 5 minutes to get “dressed” in costumes and will not be excused to the bathroom. Please plan for easy items to add to their regular outfits. 
  • Make up should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to the classroom.
  • Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.
  • Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed at school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.
  • For classroom parties, please remember that all fruit, vegetable, and cheese trays must be purchased already assembled from a grocery store. All dry items such as cookies, cupcakes, and crackers must be store purchased.

Playground Project UpdateOur major fundraiser this year will be a Walk A Thon, where all proceeds will go directly to Lakeside to fund a huge playground fundraising effort that is underway, as well as supplies, busing, and birthday books for our students. Mark your calendar- the Walk A Thon will be on Friday, November 5th! We are hoping to raise $15,000, which would be approximately $60 per student. Families will have the option to donate electronically, so that students can call on relatives far away to see if they will sponsor their walk. Envelopes with all the information about this fundraiser will be coming home on Monday, October 18! If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Homman, our PE teacher, who is coordinating this event. Her email is: 

Wishing you all a great weekend ahead!

~Mrs. Ashton


Scholastic Book Fair - Swampscott Middle School

Virtual Book Fair

The Lakeside PTO will be hosting a virtual book fair, which will run from October 18th - 31st. Click HERE for the shopping link.  
Scholastic is offering free shipping with a $25 book only order and orders are shipped directly to the home. 
All rewards earned from the book fair will be used to purchase books for the classroom libraries, as well as birthday books for all Lakeside students.
This is a great opportunity to support your child's growth in reading! Books also make great gifts for birthdays and Christmas for any child.
Thank you for supporting Lakeside Elementary!


 Health Office Update

Please read the update from the health office below. This will help you figure out when to keep your child(ren) home from school in the event of an illness in your household. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our health staff. Our nurse (Katie Draxler) and health assistant (Megan Lembcke) included their contact information in the update, but you can also send them an email by clicking on the "COVID Response Team @ Lakeside Elementary" button above!

Health Office Update


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Picture Day - Reschedule Date

Lakeside's picture day will be on Wednesday, October 27th.  If you already submitted an order, either on Network Photography's site or with a paper form, you don't need to do anything additional. If you haven't yet ordered and would like to, please click HERE to order online, or contact the office for a paper form.



Lost and Found

Please have students check lost and found items. We really would like to have all these items find their way home.  

Please make sure all items are marked with children's name. 


Coming Up Soon…Lakeside’s Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest!

​Bring on your creativity, Lakeside families! Pumpkins can begin coming to school on Tuesday, Oct. 26th.  Please bring your decorated pumpkins to school for display.
On Friday, Oct. 29th, students will vote for their favorites.  Please bring in your pumpkin by Wednesday, Oct. 27th at the latest so it can be entered into the contest.  
Winners will be announced on Monday, Nov. 1st! Pumpkins will be out front of the school for families to pick up, also on Nov. 1st! Any pumpkins not picked up will be disposed of.


Specialist Updates

PTO Directory

Each year, the PTO puts together a directory for Lakeside families to use in order to communicate with other families in our community. You are able to determine the amount of information, if any, shared in the directory. Please use THIS LINK to complete the Lakeside PTO survey regarding contact information for your family.
Please direct any questions to the PTO directly at 


Food Service Updates

OASD Food Service Department has a number of openings for both part-time and full-time employment. Please click HERE for more information. 

Also, there has been a change to times for the free meal distribution for OASD families. Please read THIS LETTER for the updated times. 


October 2021 Calendar

  • 10/18/2021 - 10/31/2021 Scholastic Book Fair
  • 10/22/2021 - No school
  • 10/26/2021 - Bring decorated pumpkins in for school contest
  • 10/27/2021 - Second Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
  • 10/27/2021 - Lakeside Conferences, 3:00 - 4:00pm
  • 10/28/2021 - Lakeside Conferences, 3:15 -6:30pm
  • 10/29/2021 - Pumpkin voting


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