Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - November 12, 2021


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

November 12, 2021; Issue 6



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To email the COVID-19 Response team please click the button below. 

COVID-19 Response Team @ Lakeside Elementary 


Dear Lakeside Families,

I am excited to share that our first annual Walk A Thon was a wonderful success! The weather was beautiful, the Oshkosh West pep band played out on the field while students, staff, and families walked, and the UWO Women's Soccer team and Officer Pete from the Winnebago County Sheriff's Department joined us to participate and celebrate! It was a great event to build community, stay active, and fundraise for new playground items! I am happy to report that we have raised over $5,000! We set our goal for $15,000 (about $60 per child). If you still have donations to turn in, please turn in next week. We are excited to share out our final total and work on the next steps to fundraise for our playground. 

Thank you to all families for partnering with us during your child's conference. We appreciate your insights and want to continue working together to help your child grow! 

Please note further down in this newsletter the date for the winter concert, as well as a reminder about the days off for Thanksgiving break. 

Wishing you well,

~Mrs. Ashton


Leaf Autumn | Free Stock Photo | Illustration of colorful autumn ...

Please remember to send your children to school with warm clothes for inclement weather. This should include boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy jacket. All students will be outside before school, at recess, and lunch unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or a wind chill of below zero. 

Temperatures and appropriate outside recess wear is: 

  • Below 50 degrees- students need a coat

  • Between 50-60 degrees- students need to wear long sleeves

  • 61 degrees and above- students choice (shorts are allowed)



Lakeside Elementary School will be participating in The Mid-Morning Kiwanis boxed/canned goods collection.  If you have boxed or canned goods that you would like to donate, please add them to your classroom collection box.  

Food collected will be donated to the Oshkosh Salvation Army.  The drive will run from Monday, November 15th through Friday, November 19th.    

Food donations must be non-perishable items (canned fruits/vegetables, soup, cereal, Hamburger Helper, pasta, pie fillings, etc).  Please do not send items that are perishable, such as frozen foods, fresh produce, or dairy products.

Thank you for all of your donations and support!  

 Health Office Update

Please read the update from the health office below. This will help you figure out when to keep your child(ren) home from school in the event of an illness in your household. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our health staff. Our nurse (Katie Draxler) and health assistant (Megan Lembcke) included their contact information in the update, but you can also send them an email by clicking on the "COVID Response Team @ Lakeside Elementary" button above!

Health Office Update


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Picture Day - Re-Takes Date

Lakeside's picture Re-Take day will be on Wednesday, December 1st. 

If you want a re-take of your student’s original portrait, please return the original package in its entirety to the photographer on re-take day.  A replacement package will be printed and delivered to the school with your student’s new image.  If you did not purchase photos from the original picture day and want a re-take, please have the student’s picture taken.


If you would like to order school pictures for the first time,  Please click HERE.


If you do not order your student’s portrait on re-take day, you will still be able to order online for the entire school year.  Approximately 3 weeks after the portrait is taken your student will bring home a proof form with their own secure private gallery password.  Online orders get mailed directly to your home and will include a shipping charge of $4.50.


Re-take photos will be delivered to the school approximately three weeks after the re-take day.



Lost and Found

Please have students check lost and found items. We really would like to have all these items find their way home.  

Please make sure all items are marked with children's name. 


Specialist Updates

PTO Directory

Each year, the PTO puts together a directory for Lakeside families to use in order to communicate with other families in our community. You are able to determine the amount of information, if any, shared in the directory. Please use THIS LINK to complete the Lakeside PTO survey regarding contact information for your family.
Please direct any questions to the PTO directly at 


Food Service Updates

OASD Food Service Department has a number of openings for both part-time and full-time employment. Please click HERE for more information. 

Also, there has been a change to times for the free meal distribution for OASD families. Please read THIS LETTER for the updated times. 


November 2021 Calendar

  • 11/24/2021 - 11/26/2021 - No School - Happy Thanksgiving
  • 12/01/2021 - Pictures Re-Takes
  • 12/01/2021 - Kiwanis Magic Show
  • 12/06/2021 - Holiday Concert 6pm @ OWHS Alberta Kimball Auditorium
  • 12/08/2021 - Early Release


Follow the Lakeside PTO

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