Newsletter - February 4, 2022
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
February 4, 2022; Issue 10
To email the COVID-19 Response team please click the button below.
Dear Lakeside Families,
We celebrated 2.2.22 in fancy style this year with ties, tiaras, and tutus! Thanks to all the students and staff that dressed up for the day! February 2nd was also World Read Aloud Day! We celebrated with reading challenges for classrooms to complete. We also had guest readers from our Central Administration Office read to classes! Classes earned a few fun prizes for completing the reading challenges, including a new classroom picture book and a hot chocolate party later this month!
Our school dance was scheduled for Friday, February 25. Due to an extended mask mandate and another conflicting district event on the same day, we are moving the dance to Friday, March 11. Please mark your calendars accordingly!
Our PTO's next meeting is this upcoming Monday, February 7th at 6pm. Please join and hear more about what's coming up! Our PTO does an amazing job providing for our school community! Thanks to all our PTO leadership and members! Here is the Zoom link for the virtual PTO meeting on Monday:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 937 4485 3146 Passcode: F6ZZZe
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Lakeside Is Hiring!
Lakeside is looking for a part-time building assistant! If you know someone who might be interested, please encourage them to check out the job posting and apply on WECAN!
Rachael Jin
Zalayah Cage
Alexandra Englund
Jade Bingen-Junk
Maria Gordon
Benjamin Mueller
Chloe Shea
Emma Hable
Easton LaCroix
Grayson Lee
Caleb Koon
Alex Moua
Yearbook Orders Due February 28th
Click HERE to order your 2021-2022 yearbook! You can order yearbooks through February 28th. They will be delivered to the school and distributed later in the year to all who ordered.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found pile has grown again! Please click HERE to be taken to a folder where many of our items have been photographed. If you recognize any of your child's items, let us know and we'll get it back to them!
Information for Open Enrollment and Out of Attendance Area Applications
Please click HERE to find important information about the process and deadlines for open enrollment applications (used when enrolling in a district that is NOT your home district) and out-of-attendance-area applications (used when requesting a school in OASD that is NOT your home school). If you have questions, please contact the office at (920) 424-0131.
Community Events
Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!
February Calendar
- 2/7 - PTO Meeting @ 6pm
- 2/9 - Early Release @ 12:30pm
- 2/17 - 2/21 - No school
Important Information
Lakeside Elementary School 2021-2022 Family Handbook