Newsletter - November 13, 2020
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
November 13, 2020; Issue 6
Dear Lakeside Families,
Thank you for your participation in conferences and your ongoing communication with school staff to help make virtual learning as engaging and as successful as it can be. Learning is social and we are looking forward to the days when we can return to in-person learning. If there are any specific needs your family has as we move into the winter months, please reach out. Here are a few other updates for you:
- Lakeside will once again be participating in the annual Kiwanis Food Drive this year! Beginning Wednesday, November 18th through Wednesday, December 9th, families may drop off any non-perishable food items they wish to donate to help feed those in need this holiday season! If you are able to contribute, please bring items to Door #1 and leave them outside the door.
- Our next PTO meeting will be held at 6pm on Monday, November 16th. The link for the meeting and the agenda can be found below. We hope to see you there!
Mrs. Ashton
Materials Pickup
New materials from classroom teachers and specialists will be available to pick up on November 18th from 7:30am to 3pm. Please return any classroom books and/or library books your students have finished. Also, please return art projects, art supplies and any materials your child's classroom teacher has requested (such as writing samples). Please place items in a plastic bag labeled with your child's name and the teacher's name, and come to door #1 to exchange the materials.
Please note: if anyone in your household has COVID symptoms, is awaiting COVID test results, is a contact of a positive COVID case, or has tested positive for COVID, you must wait until your quarantine is over before picking up materials from school.
November Birthdays
- Lia Lipinski
- Tess Winchester
- Morgan Blindauer
- Archer Kenyon
- Izzianna Mugerauer
- Paisley Oesterreich
- Leighton Lloyd
- Felix Samida
- William Olmeda
- Cash Wiedenhaft
- Erin Grunwald
- Charlie Schneider
- Malaya Cargile
- Yuepheng Vang
- Kinsley Cartwright
- Lillian Brewer
- Cedric Burri
- Noah Ruhl
- Phynix Goss
- Chloe Eisele
Monday, November 16, 2020 ~ 6:00 PM
Zoom Link Below
Click here for Lakeside PTO Agenda
eAcademy Mid-Year Enrollment and Unenrollment Period
The OASD eAcademy is currently offering a mid-year enrollment/unenrollment period for the second semester from now until December 4th. For more information, please visit the eAcademy website at:
If you are looking for additional information to further assist with decisions, feel free to reach out to the eAcademy coaches / staff at each level:
- Kim Groth - Elementary - kimberly.groth@oshkosh.k12.wi.
us - Melissa Schiek - Elementary - melissa.schiek@oshkosh.k12.wi.
us - Julie Ruck, SPED Virtual Support Teacher -
- Lisa Lieder - Program Coordinator -
- Marcie Gundlach - Principal - marlene.gundlach@oshkosh.k12.
November 2020 Calendar
- 11/16/20 - Virtual Lakeside PTO meeting, 6pm
- 11/18/2020 - Materials Exchange, 7:30am - 3pm
- 11/25/20 - 11/27/20 - No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
Important Information
Lakeside Elementary School 2020-2021 Family Handbook