Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - May 21st, 2021


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

May 21, 2021; Issue 18



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To email the COVID-19 Response team please click the button below. 

COVID-19 Response Team @ Lakeside Elementary 

Dear Lakeside Families, 

The end of the year is near and, with that, the final celebration event: Field Day! A big thank you to Erin Coppernoll, ElizaBeth Chase, and Stephanie Homman for planning Field Day for this year. Due to COVID restrictions, parents are not able to be at Field Day, but these parents and our PE teacher have done all the planning to make our event a success. Here's what you'll need to send with your child on Thursday, June 3:

  • A filled water bottle. We will have refill stations during Field Day, but due to COVID, we will not be drinking from water fountains. 
  • Slather sunscreen the morning of Field Day. We do not put sunscreen on children at school, but if they'd like to apply on their own, that is acceptable. 
  • No lunch is needed! OASD Food Service is working in collaboration with Pizza Hut to provide a great end of the year lunch for all students. It will be free of charge, like all meals this year. :)

As we come closer to a close of the 2020-21 school year, I want to share with you a few pieces of information that will be sent to you in the upcoming weeks:

  • Your child's report card will be sent on Infinite Campus and mailed to your home on Friday, June 4. You will also see a school calendar for the 21-22 school year with dates for our Open House, Conferences, and Family Nights. This calendar is also available HERE
  • Your child's iReady assessment data will be sent to you in the mail so that you can see your child's growth in both literacy and math. 
  • Our school supply list for the 21-22 school year can be found on our school website, or CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions about upcoming events or planning for next year, please reach out!

~Mrs. Ashton


6th Grade Immunizations

5th Grade Families - please CLICK HERE to read the immunization requirements for your student. This is required BEFORE they begin 6th grade! 


Picking Up Medications and Medication Authorization for 21-22

All medications are to be picked up by parent/guardian on or before the last day of school (June 3, 2021). Our policy will not allow us to keep them for the next school year. 

If you know your student will need medication next school year, we are asking you this summer to obtain an order from your doctor/nurse practitioner before the the start of the next school year. You can pick up this Medication/Treatment Request form from your school office before the end of this school year, or click HERE to print a copy from home if you'd prefer. A physician/nurse practitioner signature must accompany all medications/treatments intended for more than 10 days' use. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the health office at 424-0131, ext 3855. 

The medication/treatment form, when completed by you and your doctor, can be given to the school health office staff along with the properly labeled container of medication at the start of the next school year. 


Last Chance for Yearbooks! We have a limited number of yearbooks available for purchase in the office. The cost of the yearbook is $12.25, and they will be available on a first come, first served basis. Don't miss your last chance to purchase a yearbook!


Summer Watering Schedule for the Gardens

Growing Oshkosh will again be planting our garden beds this spring and we will need your help in keeping them watered throughout the summer! Please check out the watering schedule HERE and consider signing up for a slot if you and your family are able to help. As in past years, the produce in the garden is available to any family who would like to come pick, we just ask that you be considerate of other families and only take what you are able to use. Thank you for your help!


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Specialist Updates

Get ready for the 2021-22 school year!

The Oshkosh Area School District’s Annual Student Update (Enrollment) for returning K-12 students and for new 4K students will take place April 1 - September 1, 2021. Students must be enrolled by September 1. However, the sooner you complete this process, the better!

This annual enrollment process is required and secures a student’s place at school for the next school year. The process is done through the Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal and includes updating demographic and contact information. NOTE: Fees and payments for the 2021-2022 school year cannot be paid until mid-August, additional information will be provided at that time.

  • Instructions: CLICK HERE for step-by-Step Instructions 

    • NOTE: This process should be completed on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. It is not recommended to use a cell phone.

  • Link: CLICK HERE to log in to your Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal and click on the “Online Registration” link (located on the bottom left side of the home screen)

  • Contact: If you have any questions or need assistance during the online annual enrollment process you can contact your child’s school office OR the OASD Administration Office at 920.424.0395.

  • In-person Support: If you need in-person assistance / access to a device or internet, a Central Registration Day will be held at Oshkosh North High School on August 10, 2021. More information will be provided in the coming months. 

Additional information regarding the 2021-2022 school year, including important dates, will be provided to families by their child(ren)’s school. 

Thank you for choosing the Oshkosh Area School District for your student’s educational experience. We look forward to continuing to work with your family to meet your student’s individual needs and provide them with the best education possible.


May/June 2021 Calendar

  • 5/25/21 - Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony and Teddy Bear Picnic (livestreamed) @ 1:45 pm
  • 5/31/2021 - No school, Memorial Day
  • 6/3/21  
    • 5th Grade Promotion (livestreamed) @ 9:30 am
    • Field Day
    • Last day of school!