Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - March 5th, 2021


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

March 5, 2021; Issue 13



Final LS Logo.jpg

To email the COVID-19 Response team please click the button below. 

COVID-19 Response Team @ Lakeside Elementary 

Dear Lakeside Families, 

Hello Lakeside Families,

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. We are enjoying more sunshine and warmer temperatures for outside recess. Here are a few updates to share:

  • Students are doing an awesome job following safety protocols and wearing masks throughout the day. Thank you for your help in sending your child with a mask and a water bottle to stay hydrated and fill up at our fill stations. 
  • We have a universal social emotional curriculum (Sanford Harmony) that we are piloting (since last year). In classrooms, we are continuing to build a positive classroom community and school culture by having daily "Meet Ups", where students greet each other, learn about each other, and review school and classroom expectations and goals. Weekly lessons focused on problem solving will be taught in classrooms this month. 
  • As a reminder, we are only offering virtual instruction for students that are in quarantine due to COVID-19 or showing symptoms and cannot be in school. If your family is taking a vacation, virtual instruction will not be offered. Please check in with your child's classroom teacher for missing assignments. 
  • Please stay tuned for the next PTO agenda (coming out late next week). Our PTO group has been quite small this year and we need your leadership and advocacy to continue supporting our school building. We are looking for parents to be a part of a new playground committee. Please consider attending the next meeting! 
  • Finally, I want to wish a fond farewell to Mrs. Schlies, our PE teacher. She is going to be staying at home with her kids (letter sent to families last month). We will miss her here at Lakeside! Mrs. Homman will be our new PE teacher and will be starting on March 15. Mrs. Homman comes to us from the Fond du Lac School District, where she has served for the past 10 years. 

Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

~Mrs. Ashton 


Health Office Update

Please click here for a letter from our school nurse about returning to school 5 days a week! It includes information on the daily student symptom check, and when to keep a sibling home from school. 


Lost and Found

Please keep having students check lost and found items. 

Please make sure all items are marked with children's name!



  • ​​​​​Jackets need to be worn outside unless the temperature reaches 50 degrees. Between 50 and 60, long sleeves must still be worn. 
  • Boots still need to be worn on the playground and field
  • Our playground is extremely wet and muddy this time of year! Please consider packing a spare set of clothes in your child’s backpack. This may help avoid a phone call to parents at work for dry clothes if a mud or rain puddle is encountered outside.

Happy Birthday Images | The Best Collection

  • Abigail Stenson
  • Weston Stromske
  • Thorvald Hankee
  • Jabari Howard
  • Jack Stadtmueller
  • Edward Lee
  • Zachary Cutts
  • Le'Shawn Bowie
  • Jor'el Johnson
  • Gemma Wolfgram
  • Chevy Schroeder
  • Evan Ruhl
  • Brayden Averbeck
  • Grayson Moore
  • Orion Bork
  • Paxton Nourollah
  • Damon Elliott-Bennett
  • Temperance Kellar
  • Owen Lloyd
  • Juliet Monnett

Online registration for the 2021 Oshkosh Area School District (OASD) Summer School program is be available through the Infinite Campus (IC) Parent/Student Portal. Online registration will remain open until March 26, 2021.  Follow the LINK to the course guide


Drop Off/Pick Up Information

  • For parents dropping off, please drop off between 7:30 and 7:40 am. Park in a stall by Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Please open your child's car door and walk them to the sidewalk. Lakeside staff will be taking children into the building and to their classrooms. Parents can give hugs outside before we take children inside. There will not be outdoor recess in the morning. 

  • For pick up, parents should park near Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Parents should turn off their vehicles and wait in the front of their car on the sidewalk. A staff member will check in with you to see who you are picking up and bring your child to you. 

  • We are not allowing parents/guardians/visitors into the building at this time. If you have items to get to the school secretary, please consider sending with your child or calling the school secretary to make an outdoor appointment. You can reach Ms. Zuercher at 920-424-0131 (ext. 3801) or


Suicide Prevention Resources

Wisconsin state law requires schools to provide staff and students with basic awareness materials to prevent suicide. We are sharing this information with all families through the newsletter so that you are also informed of the suicide warning signs. Please contact Mrs. Ashton, our principal, or Mrs. Palecek, our school counselor, if you have any questions about the information or specific concerns regarding your child.

2021 Suicide Prevention Resources


Community Events

Check out our Community Events page on our website for information about events happening throughout the Oshkosh community!


Follow the Lakeside PTO

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Yearbook Orders

Network Photography is now accepting preorders for the 2020-2021 Lakeside yearbook! To place your order, please click here. Yearbooks will be delivered to schools sometime in May. 


March 2021 Calendar


  • 3/10/2021 - Early Release @ 12:30 pm
  • 3/15/2021 - Lakeside PTO meeting 6 pm via Zoom
  • 3/23/2021 - End of Third Quarter

Food Service Job Opportunities

The following positions are currently open with the OASD Food Service Department. You may apply for any of these positions through the WECAN website. Any questions, please call the Food Service Department at (920)424-4936.

  • CT Elementary - Lunch Shift  
  • Emmeline Cook - Breakfast Shift - 7:00 -9:00
  • Emmeline Cook - Lunch Shift - 10:50 - 12:30
  • Oakwood - Lunch Shift - 10:30 - 12:45
  • Read - Lunch Shift - 10:15 - 12:15
  • Webster Elementary - 2 Lunch Shifts available - 10:35 - 12:50
  • Carl Traeger Middle - Lunch Shift - 10:30 - 1:00
  • Merrill Middle - Breakfast Shift - 7:15 - 8:45
  • South Park - Lunch Shift - 11:25 - 1:35
  • Webster Middle - Lunch Shift - 10:45 - 1:30
  • West High - Assistant Cook Float - 6:30 - 12:30 - 5.5 hours per day or more if needed
  • West High - Assistant Cook - Temporary Position - 7.75 hours per day 6:15 - 2:30
  • North High - Assistant Cook - 5 hours per day - 11:00 - 4:30 
  • North High - Cook Helper - 4.5 hours per day - 10:45 - 3:45
  • Substitute Workers - flexible to work at any school