Newsletter - January 8th, 2021
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
January 8, 2021 Issue 9
Dear Lakeside Families,
Hello Lakeside Families,
Happy 2021! I hope your family had a nice holiday break and that your kids are as excited as we are at Lakeside to come back to school! We are anticipating a great week back next week and we are kicking our week off with a little bit of joyful music, a little treat, and a special theme for the rest of the 2021 school year! We hope you'll hear all about it when your child gets home from their first day of school!
Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school. Our water fountains still remain off, but we have bottle filler stations. Please have your child do a look through the house so that they return all classroom and library books when they return, as well as school supplies, Chromebooks and chargers. We will be re-organizing materials to determine what should travel back and forth from home to school and vice versa, and what will be kept at home or school for now. Look for more communication coming from your child's teacher.
We are continuing to follow all safety protocols including remaining with cohorts during the school day, masking, using barriers, and social distancing. If you have any questions or needs, please call the office at 424-0131. We are not allowing visitors into the building at this time.
Wishing you well! Stay safe and healthy!
~Mrs. Ashton
Drop Off/Pick Up Information
For parents dropping off, please drop off between 7:30 and 7:40 am. Park in a stall by Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Please open your child's car door and walk them to the sidewalk. Lakeside staff will be taking children into the building and to their classrooms. Parents can give hugs outside before we take children inside. There will not be outdoor recess in the morning.
For pick up, parents should park near Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Parents should turn off their vehicles and wait in the front of their car on the sidewalk. A staff member will check in with you to see who you are picking up and bring your child to you.
We are not allowing parents/guardians/visitors into the building at this time. If you have items to get to the school secretary, please consider sending with your child or calling the school secretary to make an outdoor appointment. You can reach Ms. Zuercher at 920-424-0131 (ext. 3801) or
Picture Day January 14th - Group B Students
Our picture day for B Group students has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 14th. Please use this link to order pictures and pre-pay online for them. This option is the best, as it alleviates having more physical contact and lets parents order directly from their homes. If you need a physical form, you can download this PDF form, or contact the office and we'll send one home with your student on the 11th.
There will be a picture retake day scheduled later in the year - stay tuned for more details!
eAcademy Picture DayJanuary 14th from 10-11 am
eAcademy families who would like their student's picture taken, or who would like retakes of pictures already taken, can do so on January 14th from 10-11am. Bring your child to Door #1 and someone will escort them to the photographers and back out again. Parents will be required to wait outside.
If you are having pictures retaken, please return the entire package of photos you received from Network Photography when you come. For those who are having their picture taken for the first time, use this link to order pictures and pre-pay online for them. This option is the best, as it alleviates having more physical contact and lets parents order directly from their homes. If you need a physical form, you can download this PDF form, or stop by the office and we'll get one to you!
As we transition back to hybrid learning in January, we want to share our winter weather expectations. Please remember to send your children to school with warm clothes for cold weather. This should include boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy jacket. All students will be outside for recesses, unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or a wind chill of below zero.
If there is snow on the ground, students are required to wear boots outside. If students would like to play in the snow, they also need snow pants.
January Birthday
- Ryder Gau
- Declan Peterson
- Landon Rabe
- Ramona Smock
- Zarha Malueg
- Tripp Lang
- Adalynn Everson
- Harper Scott
- James Dutscheck
- Conner Allison-King
- Dylan Wangui
- Reagan Dorn
- Owen Hale
- Jeremy Splittgerber
- Izabelle Hoffius
- Mykenzie Stahl
- Carter Burri
- Ryoske Moua
- Genesis-Jalani Dawson
OASD Model 3: Hybrid Learning REVISED Group A / Group B Schedule
Food Service Job Opportunities
The following positions are currently open with the OASD Food Service Department. You may apply for any of these positions through the WECAN website. Any questions, please call the Food Service Department at (920)424-4936.
- CT Elementary - Lunch Shift
- Emmeline Cook - Breakfast Shift - 7:00 -9:00
- Emmeline Cook - Lunch Shift - 10:50 - 12:30
- Oakwood - Lunch Shift - 10:30 - 12:45
- Read - Lunch Shift - 10:15 - 12:15
- Webster Elementary - 2 Lunch Shifts available - 10:35 - 12:50
- Carl Traeger Middle - Lunch Shift - 10:30 - 1:00
- Merrill Middle - Breakfast Shift - 7:15 - 8:45
- South Park - Lunch Shift - 11:25 - 1:35
- Webster Middle - Lunch Shift - 10:45 - 1:30
- West High - Assistant Cook Float - 6:30 - 12:30 - 5.5 hours per day or more if needed
- West High - Assistant Cook - Temporary Position - 7.75 hours per day 6:15 - 2:30
- North High - Assistant Cook - 5 hours per day - 11:00 - 4:30
- North High - Cook Helper - 4.5 hours per day - 10:45 - 3:45
- Substitute Workers - flexible to work at any school
Information from the Oshkosh Public library
There are some great opportunities for our students being offered by the Oshkosh Public Library; an amazing author visit, book bundles (how fun to receive up to 20 mystery books based on your interests), and STEAM kits to use at home (all materials provided). Check it out!
There are book bundles too! Everything can be done on-line or by a simple phone call. A child can check out up to 20 books!
New York Times Notable author and educator Kate Messner will join us via Zoom for an exciting interactive author visit on Saturday, February 27, 2021 - 10:00am! Wild Winter Read Off participants will receive an email with the Zoom link, or you can register at
January 2021 Calendar
- 1/11/2021 - Return to Model 3: Hybrid (Group B in-person learning)
- 1/12/2021 - Return to Model 3: Hybrid (Group A in-person learning)
- 1/14/2021 - Picture Day for Group B students
- 1/14/2021 - Picture Day eAcademy 10 am - 11 am
- 1/15/2021 - End of 1st Semester
- 1/18/2021 - No school, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Important Information
Lakeside Elementary School 2020-2021 Family Handbook