Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary School

Newsletter - February 5th, 2021


Elementary School

Black Wolf Bulletin

February 5, 2021; Issue 11



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Dear Lakeside Families, 

Hello Lakeside Families,

I hope you are doing well, despite declining temperatures! It sounds like we are going to need many layers for the week ahead! Lakeside has had a great week celebrating spirit days this week for the 100th Day of School and World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday. For World Read Aloud Day, classes were given challenges to complete including recalling 10 awesome read alouds they read this year and the genre of each book, discussing the difference between poetry and prose, and reading aloud to someone/something (person, pet, object!) at home. What a fun way to celebrate! Winning classes will get to have a guest reader come in and a new read aloud book purchased for their classroom! 

Valentine's Day will be celebrated at Lakeside next Thursday and Friday. Please make sure all valentines are sent to school by Monday/Tuesday. Teachers will communicate specifics for this celebration in newsletters or email. As I reflect on celebrations, I want to share that our school staff is committed to learning more about equitable and inclusive education for all children and families, especially those of marginalized groups (race, gender, disability, language, etc.). It is Black History Month. We will teach about Black History (and not only in the month of February), and we will work hard to educate ourselves, to see color, and to work against racism. We will do better. We are learning and working to become a better school for every child here at Lakeside. 

Finally, our staff has missed face to face opportunities to engage families in learning more about school. We invite you to take this brief survey to share your feedback about what learning we can provide to parents yet this year. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!

Wishing you a great weekend ahead. Stay warm!

~Mrs. Ashton 


Drop Off/Pick Up Information

  • For parents dropping off, please drop off between 7:30 and 7:40 am. Park in a stall by Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Please open your child's car door and walk them to the sidewalk. Lakeside staff will be taking children into the building and to their classrooms. Parents can give hugs outside before we take children inside. There will not be outdoor recess in the morning. 

  • For pick up, parents should park near Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Parents should turn off their vehicles and wait in the front of their car on the sidewalk. A staff member will check in with you to see who you are picking up and bring your child to you. 

  • We are not allowing parents/guardians/visitors into the building at this time. If you have items to get to the school secretary, please consider sending with your child or calling the school secretary to make an outdoor appointment. You can reach Ms. Zuercher at 920-424-0131 (ext. 3801) or

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Please remember to send your children to school with warm clothes for cold weather. This should include boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy jacket. All students will be outside for recesses, unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or a wind chill of below zero. 

If there is snow on the ground, students are required to wear boots outside. If students would like to play in the snow, they also need snow pants. 

Lost and Found

Please keep having students check lost and found items. 

Please make sure all items are marked with children's name!

Happy Birthday Images | The Best Collection

February Birthdays

  • Rachael Jin
  • Carson Marchant
  • Alexandra Englund
  • Benjamin Mueller
  • Chloe Shea
  • Emma Hable
  • Grayson Lee
  • Easton LaCroix
  • Caleb Koon
  • Hayden Henry
  • Alex Moua
RESCHEDULED Picture Retake Day - March 2nd

Our original picture retake day had been scheduled for a hybrid learning day, but now that we are transitioning back to fully in-person learning, Network Photography has worked with us to reschedule our picture retakes for a day when all students are scheduled to be in the building. Our RESCHEDULED picture retake day is Tuesday, March 2nd. If your student has already had their picture taken and you would like to have a new photo taken, please bring back the photo package you received and Network Photography will print a new package with the updated photo.

eAcademy families, your students are also welcome to have their picture taken or retaken on March 2nd. Please come to Door #1 between 8:30 - 9:30am and we will escort them down to have their picture taken and bring them back out to you. 

Yearbook Orders

Network Photography is now accepting preorders for the 2020-2021 Lakeside yearbook! To place your order, please click here. Yearbooks will be delivered to schools sometime in May. 

Food Service Job Opportunities

The following positions are currently open with the OASD Food Service Department. You may apply for any of these positions through the WECAN website. Any questions, please call the Food Service Department at (920)424-4936.

  • CT Elementary - Lunch Shift  
  • Emmeline Cook - Breakfast Shift - 7:00 -9:00
  • Emmeline Cook - Lunch Shift - 10:50 - 12:30
  • Oakwood - Lunch Shift - 10:30 - 12:45
  • Read - Lunch Shift - 10:15 - 12:15
  • Webster Elementary - 2 Lunch Shifts available - 10:35 - 12:50
  • Carl Traeger Middle - Lunch Shift - 10:30 - 1:00
  • Merrill Middle - Breakfast Shift - 7:15 - 8:45
  • South Park - Lunch Shift - 11:25 - 1:35
  • Webster Middle - Lunch Shift - 10:45 - 1:30
  • West High - Assistant Cook Float - 6:30 - 12:30 - 5.5 hours per day or more if needed
  • West High - Assistant Cook - Temporary Position - 7.75 hours per day 6:15 - 2:30
  • North High - Assistant Cook - 5 hours per day - 11:00 - 4:30 
  • North High - Cook Helper - 4.5 hours per day - 10:45 - 3:45
  • Substitute Workers - flexible to work at any school

February/March 2021 Calendar

  • 2/8/2021 - Lakeside PTO Meeting
  • 2/10/2021 - Early Release
  • 2/15/2021 - No School - Professional Development 
  • 2/18/2021 - Return to Model 2 


  • 3/2/2021 - School Picture Re-Takes


Information from the Oshkosh Public library

There are some great opportunities for our students being offered by the Oshkosh Public Library; an amazing author visit, book bundles (how fun to receive up to 20 mystery books based on your interests), and STEAM kits to use at home (all materials provided). Check it out!

There are book bundles too!  Everything can be done on-line or by a simple phone call.  A child can check out up to 20 books!

New York Times Notable author and educator Kate Messner will join us via Zoom for an exciting interactive author visit on Saturday, February 27, 2021 - 10:00am! Wild Winter Read Off participants will receive an email with the Zoom link, or you can register at

Kate Messner website

Kate Messner Books