Newsletter - August 31, 2020
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
August 31, 2020; Issue 1
Dear Lakeside Families,
We are excited about greeting and getting to know your child on the first day of school. For some of you, "B day students", we will see you on September 1st. We will see "A day students" on September 2nd. Please know that these first two weeks, your teacher will be getting to know your child, teaching your child so they can be independent at home, and assessing your child in literacy and math. In week three, you will begin to see your child bring home their Chromebook so that they can be a part of the classroom on the days that they are at home.
Information for the first day:
- We anticipate a very busy drop off in the morning and pick up after school. For parents dropping off, please drop off between 7:30 and 7:40 am. Park in a stall by Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Please open your child's car door and walk them to the sidewalk. Lakeside staff will be taking children into the building and to their classrooms. Parents can give hugs outside before we take children inside. There will not be outdoor recess in the morning.
- For pick up, parents should park near Door #11 for K-2 students and Door #10 for 3-5 students. Parents should turn off their vehicles and wait in the front of their car on the sidewalk. A staff member will check in with you to see who you are picking up and bring your child to you.
- We are not allowing parents/guardians/visitors into the building at this time. If you have items to get to the school secretary, please consider sending with your child or calling the school secretary to make an outdoor appointment. You can reach Ms. Zuercher at 920-424-0131 (ext. 3801) or
Other Information to Share:
- Please read the health update at the bottom of this newsletter (also linked here) for important information about illness this year.
- Please click here to read an informational note from our PTO.
Mrs. Ashton
Teacher Welcome Back Messages
- Mrs. Mueller - Kindergarten
- Mrs. Koeppl -Kindergarten
- Mrs. Grasley -1st Grade
- Mrs. Jari - 1st Grade
- Mrs. Davis - 2nd Grade
- Ms. Tigert - 2nd Grade
- Ms. Carmody - 3rd Grade
- Mrs. Murphy - 3rd Grade
- Mrs. LeClair - 4th Grade
- Mrs. Wagner - 4th Grade
- Mrs. Guido - 5th Grade
- Ms. Mateyka - 5th Grade
Mrs. Mueller - Kindergarten
Mrs. Koeppl -Kindergarten
Mrs. Grasley -1st Grade
Mrs. Jari - 1st Grade
Mrs. Davis - 2nd Grade
Ms. Tigert - 2nd Grade
Ms. Carmody - 3rd Grade
Mrs. Murphy - 3rd Grade
Mrs. LeClair - 4th Grade
Mrs. Wagner - 4th Grade
Mrs. Guido - 5th Grade
Ms. Mateyka - 5th Grade
Specialist and Support Staff Updates
Important Information
Lakeside Elementary School 2020-2021 Family Handbook
OASD 2020-2021 Model 3 AB calendar
September 2020 Calendar:
- 09/01/20 - First Day of school for "B" student
- 09/02/20 - First Day of school for "A" student
- 09/07/20 - No School~ Happy Labor Day!
Please read this important information from our school nurse about this year's health procedures and notifications. Thank you!