Newsletter - November 1, 2019
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
November 1, 2019; Issue 5
Dear Lakeside Families,
This year, Lakeside is piloting a new social/emotional curriculum. Our hope is to deepen student's understanding of self regulation, communication, and decision making skills. Here are some suggestions for helping your child develop social and emotional skills at home.
Think out loud. When your child hears your thinking process, it helps her understand how to cope with frustration and solve problems: “Whoops. My favorite shopping bag has a hole in it. I’d better take another one with me to the grocery store.”
Read bedtime stories. There is something magical about this end-of-the-day routine that makes it the ideal time for talking about feelings. Discuss the characters and events in the story. Invite your child to share her thoughts and feelings by asking questions: “What do you think he should do? How do you think she feels? What would you do if you were this character?”
Do a job together. Instead of asking your child to do a chore alone, do it with her. The two of you might fold laundry, set the table, rake leaves, or paint a wall.
Play games. Card and board games and outdoor games such as tag or hop-scotch offer built-in opportunities for helping children learn to take turns, cooperate, handle frustration, and more. While playing games together, focus on fun instead of winning or losing.
Prevent potential problems. Before a friend comes to play, help your child put away toys he does not want to share. Before going to a birthday party, explain the expectations you have and what the signal will be for leaving the party without an argument.
When we work together to help children grow socially and emotionally, we see great success! Adapted from the Message in a Backpack, Teaching Young Children
Enjoy the weekend ahead! Don't forget to turn your clock back!
~Mrs. Ashton
Please remember to send your children to school with warm clothes for inclement weather. This should include boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy jacket. All students will be outside before school, at recess, and lunch unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or a wind chill of below zero.
Temperatures and appropriate outside recess wear is:
Below 50 degrees- students need a coat
Between 50-60 degrees- students need to wear long sleeves
61 degrees and above- students choice (shorts are allowed)
Reminder: Please be sure to check your student’s fees in Infinite Campus. Student's fees will follow them all through their school career in Oshkosh Area School District, and can make them ineligible for participation in some activities. |
Congratulations to our students that decorated pumpkins!
Here are the top three placements:
1st place- Izzianna Mugerauer
2nd place- Rylee Coppernoll
3rd place- Kenny Graham
November Birthdays
Lia Lipinski
Tess Winchester
Cecilia Gruenhagen
Morgan Blindauer
Archer Kenyon
Aydon Walther
Izzianna Mugerauer
Leighton Lloyd
Peighton Deroo
Felix Samida
William Olmeda
Gilbert Prada
Cash Wiedenhaft
Erin Grunwald
Malaya Cargile
Lillian Brewer
Donovin Peerenboom
Cedric Burri
Noah Ruhl
Phynix Goss
Chloe Eisele
November 2019 Calendar:
- Sunday, 11/3/19:Daylight Saving Time ENDS
- Monday, 11/04/19: Picture RE-Take day
- Monday, 11/04/19: End of First Quarter
- Wednesday, 11/06/19 PAL Visit: OWHS Global Academy Level 3 Visit K-5
- Monday, 11/11/19: Veterans Day
- Monday, 11/11/19: 5th grade Field Trip to South Park Middle School
- Tuesday, 11/12/19: 4th Grade Field Trip Oshkosh Youth Symphony at OWHS
- Wednesday, 11/13/19: Early Release
- Friday, 11/15/19: Black Wolf Bulletin Published
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