Newsletter - March 6, 2020
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
March 6, 2020; Issue 12
Dear Lakeside Families,
Newbery Award Winners
In this newsletter, I am sharing the 2020 Newbery award winning books. The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually to the author of the most distinguished contribution to literature for children.
The 2020 Newbery Medal Winner is New Kid, written and illustrated by Jerry Craft. Jordan Banks can’t help seeing privilege when he transfers to Riverdale Academy Day School for seventh grade. As one of the few African American students in the school, he regularly deals with racism and microaggressions. Craft creates an intimate, relatable world inviting readers in, and holds them there.
The Undefeated, written by Kwame Alexander and illustrated by Kadir Nelson. The Undefeated “is for us.” Written in sparse poetic verse, the contributions of African Americans are celebrated and explored. The reader is invited on a journey of dreaming, of persevering, and of bravery. The past intersects with the present, leaving readers forging their own paths of discovery. America, this is for you.
Scary Stories for Young Foxes, written by Christian McKay Heidicker and illustrated by Junyi Wu. Seven foxes, in the dark and twisted Antler Wood, want to hear scary stories. And, they will. Imagine a character with gooey eyes. Imagine trying to slink away from the Golgathursh’s grin. And imagine Beatrix Potter as a villain. Adventure, survival, and humor all celebrate the importance of story …even scary ones.
Other Words for Home, written by Jasmine Warga. This book follows Jude and her mother, both Muslim, who flee war-torn Syria for a new life in America. This novel in verse is an inspiring story of resilience. It explores themes of family, prejudice, and what home truly means in a timely and honest manner.
Genesis Begins Again, written by Alicia D. Williams. This book tells the story of 13-year-old Genesis, struggling with colorism and self-loathing. Her dark skin is just one of the 96 things she does not like about herself. This powerful novel deals with family struggles and internalized racism. A hopeful ending will leave both Genesis and readers seeing the possibility of self-worth.
Happy Reading!
~Mrs. Ashton
Lakeside Families,
Lakeside students will participate in the Wisconsin Student Assessment System from April 6-29. Participation in the Wisconsin Forward Exam or Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for students on an alternate assessment is required for district and school accountability. Please make every effort to have your child in attendance on all testing dates. Testing dates for each grade level is listed below.
Building Test Window |
ELA Session 1 - TDA At least 50 min |
ELA Session 2 - Writing 20 min |
ELA Session 3 - Listening 20 min |
ELA Session 4 - Reading 50 min |
Math Session 1- 45 min (grades 3-6) |
Math Session 2- 45 min (grades 3-5) |
Science Session 1- 40 min |
Science Session 2- 40 min |
Science Session 3- 40 min |
Social Stud Session 1- 35 min |
Social Stud Session 2- 35 min |
Grade 3: April 14-20 |
April 14, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 15, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 15, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 16, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 17, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 20, 8:15- 10:15 |
Grade 4: April 20-29 |
April 20, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 21, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 21, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 22, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 23, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 24, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 27, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 28, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 28, 8:15- 10:15 |
April 29- 8:15- 10:15 |
April 29, 8:15- 10:15 |
Grade 5: April 6-9, 13 |
April 6, 9:30- 11:20 |
April 7, 9:30- 11:20 |
April 7, 9:30- 11:20 |
April 8, 9:30- 11:20 |
April 9, 9:30- 11:20 |
April 13, 9:30- 11:20 |
The Wisconsin Forward Exam and DLM tests students in the areas of English Language Arts and Math for grades 3-8, Science and Social Studies in grades 4 and 8, and Social Studies only in grade 10. One or more subtests for a subject area may be administered daily during our school’s testing dates. It is very important that your child be in school during this time. Students not in school on the scheduled testing dates will be scheduled for a make-up test prior to the close of the testing window.
Please click on the links below for the Informational Brochure for Families which gives more information about the assessment including its purpose, what scores will be provided, and how the scores will be used.
Forward Exam Information for Families
Although the Wisconsin Forward Exam and DLM are very important, these assessments are just a snapshot in time of what your child knows and is able to do. Other tools to help us measure your child’s progress include your child's academic classroom work, teacher observations, classroom tests, and district grade level assessments. The results of the state assessment together with these other measures of student learning are used to guide classroom instruction and to make placement decisions for each student.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Amy Ashton
(920) 424.0131 (ext. 3802)
TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2020, 4:30-6:30 PM
OASD Launches Raptor, New Visitor Management System
Please remember to send your children to school with warm clothes for inclement weather. This should include boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy jacket. All students will be outside before school, at recess, and lunch unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or a wind chill of below zero.
Temperatures and appropriate outside recess wear is:
Below 50 degrees- students need a coat
Between 50-60 degrees- students need to wear long sleeves
61 degrees and above- students choice (shorts are allowed)
If you are planning a vacation (half day or more), please remember to fill out a Pre-Planned Parent Excused Form prior to leaving. It is important for students, teachers, and the office to be informed of the absence to allow for homework accommodations, missed class time, and attendance purposes. Also, this minimizes classroom interruptions during the day to allow for focusing on educational minutes. If you have any questions, please call the office at 424-0131. Paper copy is available upon request.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: When calling your child's school to report their absence, please relay the symptoms they are having to the school office so that the District can continue to report to the health department accurately. OASD Letter: Coronavirus Awareness and Information 03.02.20.
CLICK HERE for the PTO Lakeside Spirit Wear & Field Trip Safety Shirts. Order forms came home with your student(s) earlier this week.
Memory Book 2019-20 order forms with payment are due in the office by Tuesday, March 10, 2020 in the a.m. Don't miss out on these great memories!
The following message regarding OASD Summer School 2020 was recently sent to all OASD and Oshkosh families (via IC email from the District). Please click OASD Summer School 2020 - Letter to Families 02.18.20 for details!
Make sure to check your student's folder for information coming home regarding Student Council Pennies for Patients- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraising. Winning classroom receives an Olive Garden pasta lunch!
Abigail Stenson |
Weston Stromske |
Jabari Howard |
Edward Lee |
Jor'el Johnson |
Amelia Melichar |
Gemma Wolgram |
Brayden Averbeck |
Kingston Chapman |
Benjamin McDowell |
Sawyer Rhinehart |
Orion Bork |
Paxton Nourollah |
Temperance Kellar |
Owen Lloyd |
Juliet Monnett |
Congratulations to the students that have Art work displayed at Oshkosh West High School!
Click Here to see the artwork
- Andrew Leubner
- Hayden Shambles
- Grace Brefczynski
- Erin Grunwald
1st Grade
- Anna Lipinski
- Jack Zabel
- Lydia Spitzer
- Sky Sitter
2nd Grade
- Adalynn Schulze
- Cedric Burri
- Declan Peterson
- Elijah Kallenbach
- Tess Winchester
3rd Grade
- Edward Schiefelbein
- Lia Lipinski
- Ben Moen
- Juliet Monnett
- Jeremy Splittgerber
4th Grade
- Charlie Provo
- Preston Schneider
- Gabby Weisse
- Olive Hobbslee
5th Grade
- Farhana Amin
- Kaitlyn Haack
- Emma Thao
- Bria Blabaum
March 2020 Calendar:
- 03/07/20 - Lakeside Family Night Herd Game, 7 pm
- 03/08/20 - Daylight Savings Time
- 03/10/20 - 2nd Grade Swimming 20th St. YMCA; Memory book orders with payment due in the office a.m.!
- 03/10/20 - Lakeside Family Engagement Night, 4:30-6:30 pm
- 03/11/20 - Early Release at 12:30 pm
03/16/20 - PTO Meeting 6 PM - 03/16/20 - New Raptor Visitor Management System Launches OASD- bring your I.D. when visiting during school hours!
- 03/20/20 - 4th Grade Field Trip to the Paine Art Center
- 03/20/20 - 3rd Quarter Ends
- 03/20/20 - 3/27/20 - Spring Break
Please keep having students check lost and found items.
End of 3rd Quarter is March 20th. Please have students look through lost & found and take what is theirs.
What is left over will be donated that day (March 20th, 2020).
Please make sure all items are marked with children's name!