Newsletter - December 6, 2019
Elementary School
Black Wolf Bulletin
December 6, 2019; Issue 7
Dear Lakeside Families,
Our school is committed to providing your children with a safe learning environment. As we process through the incident at West High School that has impacted our greater Oshkosh community, there may be more questions and fears that come up. If at any time your child is in need of an adult to talk to, our staff is here to help. Please reach out to our school counselor, teachers, or myself for resources and/or support. We take the well being of each child seriously, and want you to know that we will continue to do our absolute best to provide a safe, caring environment.
Other updates for December:
- Winter recess: Boots will need to be worn on the grass until spring time. There are many spots that are muddy/wet and we do not want to track mud into our classrooms. Snow pants are also required when there is snow on the ground.
- Holiday concert: The Lakeside holiday concert is on Monday, December 9th at 6:30 pm at West High School's Alberta Kimball Auditorium. We look forward to seeing you there! Please use this link for detailed information from Mr. Plekan.
- Holiday store: Lakeside's holiday store will be on Thursday, December 12. Parents may send in cash or a check for children to shop for their immediate family members. If you have more questions about the holiday store, please reach out to our PTO at
Have a nice weekend,
~Mrs. Ashton
Kiwanis Food Drive Total
As a school we brought in a total of 820 food items!
Congratulations to Mrs. LeClair's class that brought in a total of 172 items.
The whole 4th Grade community brought in a total of 214 items.
Thank you Lakeside families for your continued support towards a great cause!
Please remember to send your children to school with warm clothes for inclement weather. This should include boots, hats, gloves, and a heavy jacket. All students will be outside before school, at recess, and lunch unless the temperature is below 10 degrees or a wind chill of below zero.
Temperatures and appropriate outside recess wear is:
Below 50 degrees- students need a coat
Between 50-60 degrees- students need to wear long sleeves
61 degrees and above- students choice (shorts are allowed)
Holiday Store 2019
Mark this on your calendar: Thursday, December 12th
The holiday store has been a tradition for 35+ years! This is a way for students to secretly do some shopping for their parents at school. Most items will be in the $5.00 and under range, but no item priced more than $7.00. This is not a fundraiser for the PTO, but an enjoyable day for the kids to pick out something special for their parents/siblings.
On the day of the store, parents will send cash or check (made out to Lakeside PTO) with each child in an envelope marked with their name and a list of who they are to buy for. Due to time, please limit your list to immediate family. The children should not buy for themselves. Reminders will be sent out.
We need volunteer help!!! Please consider volunteering a couple of hours or come for the day to help students shop and wrap. It is always a fun day, so come and enjoy! Grandparents, relatives & friends are welcome to volunteer as well. The more helpers we have the more enjoyable the day will be for the students.
We appreciate any donations for the store! Items to donate are: gift bags, bows/ribbon, gift tags, tissue paper, tape and wrapping paper. Paper grocery bags with handles will also be needed for the students to transport their wrapped purchases home. We also welcome any donations of new gift items or gift cards (no opened or used items please). Please fill out the form below and return to school or e-mail Becky Gruenhagen – if you can help at the Holiday Store. This will not be a set schedule, but gives us some idea how many helpers we have.
Thank you for your support of the Holiday Store!!!
Volunteer Name ___________________________________________ Phone____________________________
E-mail _________________________________________________________
Student Name ________________________________ Teacher ______________________________________
Approximate time I can help ________________AM __________________PM _______________ ALL DAY
I will be joining you for lunch provided by PTO: YES NO
Able to help shop for the store: YES Black Friday shopping: YES
Holiday Store chairperson: Becky Gruenhagen, Cell: 608-513-5627, e-mail
Brighten Someone’s Holiday!
Lakeside Elementary School
‘Tis the season of giving! This year Lakeside Elementary community is coming together to support Lakeside families during this holiday season. The gift giving program is called Brighten Someone’s Holiday.
On November 26th, the front entrance will be turned into a bright and joyful scene displaying “holiday light bulbs” with the wants or needs of children in our school. The child’s age, gender, size (when necessary), and desired items are listed on the light bulbs.
How can you help and what do you need to do?
Select a light bulb from the Brighten Someone’s Holiday Tree in the lobby.
Purchase the item(s) listed on the light bulb and tape the light bulb to the gift(s) (do not feel obligated to buy all the gifts listed on the tag, contribute what you can). This is necessary to make sure the requested gift(s) are given to the correct child.
Please return gift wrapped or in gift bag with the paper tag attached.
Please turn in the gift(s) to the office no later than Monday December 16th.
We are in our 5th year and have been in awe of the spirit of giving. We hope the spirit will continue with this activity of giving this year. Along with the gift requests, there are light bulbs with cash or Target gift card donation requests. The cash and gift cards are used to purchase the gifts that were not donated. This year we hope to help 4 families have a very nice holiday season.
Please contact Melissa Palecek, 424-0131(extension 6550) if you have any questions.
December Birthdays!!
Hallie Moreno-Gillstrom - 12/01
Mason Nowicki - 12/02
Brandon Glatz - 12/03
Natasha Carey-Sanchez - 12/05
Andrew Leubner - 12/07
Blake Jesberger - 12/08
Farhana Amin - 12/10
Noah Koon - 12/10
Holly Matulle - 12/10
Rylin Johnson - 12/10
Brenton Brown - 12/11
Lexi Mathias - 12/12
Benjamin Moreno-Gillstrom - 12/13
Braden Anderson - 12/15
Rowan Stromske - 12/17
Kaleb Oaks - 12/18
Wyatt Skaug - 12/18
Lydia Spitzer - 12/21
Westin Lloyd - 12/22
Liam Chase - 12/22
Morgan Lovell - 12/28
Jack Kohl - 12/30
Talia Pavek - 12/30
December 2019 Calendar:
- Monday, 12/09/19: Community Meeting 8 a.m.; Holiday Concert Alberta Kimball Auditorium OWHS (door #30)- students arrive by 6:15p.m. please!
- Tuesday, 12/10/19: 3rd Grade Field Trip to Paine Art Center
- Wednesday, 12/11/19: Early Release 12:30 p.m.
- Thursday, 12/12/19: Holiday Store
- Tuesday, 12/17/19: Magic Show @ Lakeside 1:30 p.m. (Mid Morning Kiwanis Food Drive)
- Friday, 12/20/19: Classroom Holiday Parties 2:00 p.m.
- Monday, 12/23/19 - 01/01/20 Winter Break No School